Alberta Grade 6 Health - Full Year Bundle

  • $36.00
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2022 Alberta Health/Wellness Curriculum – Grade 6 Bundle – This resource covers all outcomes in the Grade 6, 2022 Alberta Health Curriculum.

This comprehensive bundle contains readings, research assignments, true/false, diagrams, reflections, drawings, word searches, word scrambles and more. There is also a unit test and answer pages for all units!

Healthy Eating

Some of the concepts that are covered:

  • Spelling Bee – Access to Food and Nutrition​
  • Newspaper Article: Cost of Food and Budgeting​
  • Activity: Nutritious Food Shopping ​
  • Blog Post: Seasonal Availability of Food​
  • Four Corners Activity: Seasonal Availability of Food​
  • Case Study: Food Deserts in Urban Areas​
  • Story: Food Preparation Skills​
  • Activity: Recipe Book Creation​
  • Case Study: Farm-to-Table Movement ​
  • Fact or Fiction – Farm to Table Movement​
  • Blog Post: Access to Farms and Gardens​
  • Activity – Farms and Gardens Pictionary​
  • Grocery Stores and Food Access​
  • Activity – Grocery Shopping Roleplay​
  • Newspaper Article: Farmers’ Markets​
  • Memory Game: Farmers’ Markets Produce​
  • Story: Restaurants and Nutritional Choices​
  • Activity: Calorie Count Contest​
  • Case Study: School Lunch Programs​
  • Activity: Lunch Program Survey​
  • Blog Post: Whole Foods vs. Processed Foods ​
  • Activity: Food Comparison Chart​
  • Newspaper Article: Access to Nutritious and Traditional Foods ​
  • Fact or Fiction – Access to Nutritious and Traditional Foods​
  • Story: Effects of Limited Nutritional Food Choices ​
  • Activity – Food Labels – Ingredients List​
  • Activity – Nutritional Label Reading​
  • Contexts Affecting Nutritional Choices​
  • Activity – Nutritional Choice Roleplay​
  • Blog Post: Impact of Fast Food on Health​
  • Activity – Healthy Fast Food Alternative​
  • Newspaper Article: Energy Dense Fast Food​
  • Four Corners Activity: Energy-Dense Fast Food​
  • Story: Comparing Cost of Food in Different Contexts ​
  • Activity: Grocery Store Price Comparison​
  • Food Accessibility and Dietary Preferences ​
  • Activity – Nutritional Choice Roleplay​
  • Blog Post: Nutritional Choices at Social/Recreational Events ​
  • Activity: Planning a Nutritious Menu for a Social Event​
  • Newspaper Article: Blue Zones and Longevity​
  • Story: Impact of Marketing on Food Choices ​
  • Food Waste and Its Impact on Access to Food ​
  • Newspaper Article: Sustainable Food Practices​
  • Unit Test – Healthy Eating​
  • Answer Pages For All Activities​


Some of the concepts that are covered:

  • Introduction to Risk Assessment​
  • Four Corners Activity: Assessing Safety Risks​
  • Blog Post: Understanding Risk and Consent​
  • Activity: Consent Scenarios Role Play​
  • Story: Digital Privacy and Safety​
  • Case Study: Cambridge Analytica Scandal ​
  • Fact or Fiction – Protecting Personal Information​
  • Identifying Online Safety Risks​
  • Activity – Online Safety Risks Pictionary​
  • Story: Consequences of Sharing Explicit Images ​
  • Activity: Think Before You Share Role Play​
  • Case Study: The Consequences of Sexting ​
  • Four Corners Activity: Online Safety​
  • Blog Post: Measured Risks and Safety​
  • Measured Risks in Online Safety Trivia Card​
  • Safe Online Practices​
  • Fact or Fiction – Safe Online Practices​
  • Case Study: The Legal Consequences of Cyberbullying ​
  • Activity: Dealing with Cyberbullying Role Play​
  • Case Study: Malala Yousafzai's Safe Blogging ​
  • Activity - Digital Citizenship Pledge​
  • Case Study: Tyler Clementi and Online Harassment ​
  • Activity: Cyberbullying Scenario Analysis​
  • Activity: Substance Use Risk Cards​
  • Case Study: The Impact of Substance Use on Athletes ​
  • Fact or Fiction – Substance Use Myths​
  • Blog Post: Positive Choices to Reduce Substance Use Risks ​
  • Activity: Using Different Refusal Skills ​
  • Memory Game: Risk Scenarios and Mental Health​
  • Case Study: Simone Biles and Mental Health ​
  • Activity – Mental Health Awareness Poster​
  • Physical Well-Being and Risk ​
  • Activity: Risk Assessment and Safety Precautions​
  • Blog Post: Safety in Various Contexts​
  • Show and Tell – Personal Safety Items​
  • Case Study: Safety Measures in Extreme Sports ​
  • Activity: Assessing Risks - Explaining Scenarios​
  • News Article: Risk and Personal Fulfillment​
  • Activity: Risk-Taker Biography​
  • Blog Post: Managing Unwanted Attention Online​
  • Fact or Fiction – Online Safety​
  • Activity – Word Search on Online Harassment​
  • Unit Test – Safety​
  • Answer Pages For All Activities​

Growth and Development

Some of the concepts that are covered:

  • Introduction to Maturation​
  • Story: Curiosity and Trying New Things ​
  • Show and Tell – Bucket List Adventure​
  • Blog Post: The Increasing Importance of Peers ​
  • Newspaper Article: Influence of Peer Pressure​
  • Activity: Understanding Peer Pressure Role Play​
  • Changes in Self-Knowledge and Self-Image ​
  • Activity: My Self-Image Network Web​
  • Story: Increased Expectation of Responsibility ​
  • Activity: Responsibilities and Personal Growth​
  • Activity – TED Talk Analysis​
  • Physical Changes During Adolescence ​
  • Fact or Fiction – Physical Changes During Adolescence​
  • Blog Post: Cognitive Changes and Adaptability ​
  • Activity – Critical Thinking Puzzles​
  • Activity – Emotion Charades​
  • Four Corners Activity: Emotional Growth​
  • Social Changes and Identity Formation ​
  • Activity: Positive Connections Role-Play​
  • Story: Impact of Stress on Maturation​
  • Activity: Stress Management Techniques​
  • Fact or Fiction – Mental Health​
  • Newspaper Article: Overcoming Mental Health Challenges ​
  • Activity – Therapy Simulation​
  • Story: Body Image and Self-Esteem ​
  • Importance of Immunization ​
  • Blog Post: Daily Physical Activity​
  • Activity – Physical Activity Pictionary​
  • Substance Use and Its Effects ​
  • Activity – What Would You Do? Scenarios Recitation​
  • Story: Rest and Sleep​
  • Activity – Sleep and Rest Chart​
  • Newspaper Article: Nutrition and Balanced Diet​
  • Memory Game: Nutritional Needs​
  • Activity – Role Model Research Project​
  • Pregnancy and Sexual Health Education ​
  • Types of Birth Control​
  • Activity – Birth Control Jeopardy​
  • Four Corners Activity: Reproductive Decisions​
  • Blog Post: Stages of Fetal Development​
  • Supportive Health Practices During Pregnancy ​
  • Activity: Supportive Health Practices During Pregnancy​
  • Unit Test ​
  • Answer Pages For All Activities​

Character Development

Some of the concepts that are covered:

  • Introduction to Personal Development ​
  • Spelling Bee – Personal Development Vocabulary​
  • Activity – Personal SWOT Analysis​
  • Newspaper Article: Talents and Strengths​
  • Show and Tell – Discovering Talents​
  • Blog Post: Personal Virtues​
  • Memory Game: Virtues and Values​
  • Case Study: The Resilience of Malala Yousafzai ​
  • Activity – Building a Resilience Wall​
  • Case Study: Perseverance of Helen Keller ​
  • Fact or Fiction – Perseverance​
  • Four Corners Activity: Identifying Personal Assets​
  • Activity: Interest Inventory Chart​
  • Case Study: Vision of Steve Jobs​
  • Activity: Innovation Project​
  • Story: Developing Independence​
  • Newspaper Article: Adapting to Changing Life Roles​
  • Timeline – My Changing Life Roles​
  • Learning from Adversity​
  • Activity: Superhero Challenge Conqueror​
  • Case Study: Leadership of Nelson Mandela​
  • Blog Post: The Lifelong Process of Learning ​
  • Newspaper Article: Reflecting on Personal Skills​
  • Activity – Skills Scavenger Hunt​
  • Case Study: Determination of Terry Fox ​
  • Activity – Inspiration Wall​
  • Activity – Time Management Wheel​
  • Case Study: The Organizational Skills of Marie Curie​
  • Activity – Task Prioritization Challenge​
  • Blog Post: Setting and Achieving Goals​
  • Activity – Goal Setting Ladder​
  • Case Study: The Goal-Setting Strategies of Michael Jordan ​
  • Activity: Goal Setting and Achieving Role Play​
  • Newspaper Article: Exploring Volunteerism​
  • Fact or Fiction – Volunteerism​
  • Case Study: The Volunteer Work of Mother Teresa​
  • Discipline and Well-Being​
  • Blog Post: Motivation Strategies​
  • Activity – Word Search on Motivation​
  • Case Study: Motivation of J.K. Rowling ​
  • Activity – Letter to My Future Self​
  • Story: Planning for the Future​
  • Activity – Future Career Day​
  • Unit Test – Character Development​
  • Answer Pages For All Activities

Financial Literacy

Some of the concepts that are covered:

  • Introduction to Financial Literacy
  • Activity – Financial Impact Jeopardy
  • Blog Post: Understanding Loans
  • Activity: Applying for a Loan
  • Case Study: George Washington Carver's Education Loan
  • Memory Game: Understanding Loans
  • Newspaper Article: Factors Affecting Loan Decision
  • Activity: Loan Comparison Chart
  • Loan Application Form
  • Understanding Interest
  • Activity: Interest Calculation Experiment
  • Case Study: Tesla's Startup Loan
  • Fact or Fiction – Tesla's Startup Loan
  • Blog Post: Borrowing Money Responsibly
  • Activity: Match the Borrowing Situation
  • Newspaper Article: Introduction to Investing
  • Activity: Stock Market Simulation
  • Investment Tracking Sheet
  • Case Study: Warren Buffett's First Investment
  • Activity: Investment Math and Stock Trend Graphing
  • Fact or Fiction – Real Estate Investment
  • Blog Post: Bonds and Mutual Funds
  • Activity: Investment Portfolio
  • Case Study: J.K. Rowling's Financial Turnaround
  • Activity: Financial Advisors to J.K. Rowling Role Play
  • Newspaper Article: Digital Currencies
  • Digital Currency Trivia Card
  • Benefits of Investing
  • Investment Bingo
  • Case Study: Oprah Winfrey's Investments
  • Activity – Shark Tank Simulation
  • Blog Post: Short Term VS Long-Term Goals
  • Show and Tell – Savings Goal
  • Newspaper Article: Budget on Financial Decisions
  • Four Corners Activity: Financial Decision Making
  • Story: Financial Institution and Loan History
  • Fact or Fiction – Financial Institutions and Loan History
  • Case Study: Sara Blakely's Business Loan
  • Budget Planning with Real-life Scenarios
  • Financial Advisor Case Studies
  • Case Study: LeBron James' Financial Planning
  • Four Corners Activity: Financial Planning for Success
  • Unit Test – Financial Literacy
  • Answer Pages For All Activities

Healthy Relationships

Some of the concepts that are covered:

  • Introduction to Positive Social Behaviours​
  • Positive Social Behaviours Trivia Card​
  • Blog Post: Understanding Respect​
  • Activity: Understanding Respect Role Play​
  • Newspaper Article: Greta Thunberg’s Story​
  • Four Corners Activity: Respect for the Environment​
  • Story: The Importance of Helping Others​
  • Activity: Kindness Rocks​
  • Blog Post: Clara Barton and the Red Cross ​
  • Activity: Discussion Circle​
  • Honesty and Trust in Relationships ​
  • Activity: Trust Meter​
  • Story: Acknowledging and Celebrating Diversity ​
  • Activity: Art from Around the World​
  • Newspaper Article: Frida Kahlo’s Story​
  • Activity: Cultural Appreciation Role Play​
  • Blog Post: Considering Others' Perspectives ​
  • Activity: Perspective Taking Stories​
  • Empathy: Understanding and Sharing Feelings ​
  • Activity – Empathy Vocabulary Snowman​
  • Story: Fred Rogers and Empathy ​
  • Activity - Empathy Journal​
  • Healthy Relationships and Pro-Social Behaviours ​
  • Activity: Skits on Pro-Social Behaviours​
  • Clarifying Perspectives in Relationships ​
  • Activity: Listening and Drawing Game​
  • Story: Anne Frank and Understanding Perspectives ​
  • Activity: Empathy Mapping​
  • Blog Post: Empathy and Bullying Prevention ​
  • Activity - Empathy and Bullying Prevention Pledge​
  • Case Study: The Impact of Ryan Halligan ​
  • Activity - Safe Space Songwriting​
  • The Role of Empathy in Conflict Resolution ​
  • Activity: Resolving Conflicts with Empathy Role Play​
  • Blog Post: Perspectives and Well-Being ​
  • Fact or Fiction – Perspective and Well-Being​
  • Story: The Inclusive Leadership of Tim Cook ​
  • Activity – Practising Inclusive Leadership​
  • Case Study: The Compassion of Jane Goodall ​
  • Activity: Conservation Poster Campaign​
  • Empathy Through Practice ​
  • Fact or Fiction – Myths about Empathy​
  • Unit Test – Healthy Relationships​
  • Answer Pages For All Activities​

This is a comprehensive bundle that will save you hours of planning! It has been tested and found effective in helping students achieve the learning goals in the new health curriculum.


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