BC Grade 3 Language Arts ELA - FULL YEAR BUNDLE

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FULL YEAR BUNDLE - Teaching made easy! This NO PREP bundle includes everything you need to teach the BC Grade 3 Language Arts (ELA) Curriculum.


Grade 3 – British Columbia Language Curriculum (ELA) – Conventions and Reading Strategies. This resource covers all learning standards and elaborations related to conventions and reading strategies in the British Columbia Curriculum (ELA). The 434 pages teach the Big Ideas, learning standards, and elaborations found in the curriculum.

Included in this unit are 30 weeks of ELA instruction, with weekly word lists that explicitly teach consonant clusters as well as vowel teams. Along with these Science of Reading principles, we have weaved in the learning standards students in grade 3 need to learn while working with these word lists.

Included in this resource are the learning standards below:

Conventions – common practices in punctuation of sentences and in apostrophe use in contractions

Reading Strategies – using illustrations to predict meaning, retelling, phonics, sight words, does it sound right, look right, make sense?

Phonics – consonant clusters at the beginning and ending of words, as well as diagraphs, silent letters, and long/short vowel sounds.

Sentence structure – the structure of compound sentences

In addition, we have included a full-year long range plan that outlines what concepts from the curriculum you will be teaching each week, and what prefixes/suffixes/letter blends will be covered.

Some of the concepts covered:

  • Complete sentences versus fragments
  • Subject versus predicate
  • Simple versus compound sentences
  • Suffixes: -ly, -er, -or, -ar, -ist, and more
  • Prefixes: re-, un-, in-, dis-, non-, mis-, mal-, sub-, super-, and more
  • Picture predictions – how do illustrations help us predict what texts will be about?
  • Sight word flashcards
  • Word family trees
  • Activity - Look-Sound-Make Sense Check
  • Parts of speech – nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions
  • Four types of sentences – declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative
  • Fun weekly word work – word search, crosswords, creating words, coding, word scrambles
  • Independent and dependent clauses
  • Coordinating conjunctions – FANBOYS
  • Complex sentences with adverbial clauses.
  • Subject-verb agreement
  • Position-based tendencies – I before E
  • Decoding strategies – chunking unfamiliar words, rhyming words: word families, skip and revisit
  • Memorizing irregular grapheme-phonemes ough, ph, ei, and mb
  • Using dictionaries to look up word meanings and thesauruses to find synonyms
  • Using apostrophes for contractions
  • Possessive nouns – using apostrophes for singular nouns and for plural nouns
  • Uncommon plural nouns – moose/moose, and person/people
  • Spelling patterns – adding –ies, -es, -ves
  • Silent letters
  • Using commas for direct speech
  • Using commas in a list
  • Homophones and homographs
  • Antonyms and synonyms
  • Figurative language – simile, hyperbole, and imagery
  • Capital letters: titles, proper nouns, and in dialogue
  • Fluency readings for each week to reinforce word list vocabulary
  • Weekly quizzes (30 different assessments)
  • Answer pages for all activities

Grade 3 – British Columbia Language Curriculum – Writing. This resource covers all learning standards and elaborations related to writing in the British Columbia (BC) Language Curriculum (ELA).

There are 341 activity sheets that are aligned to cover the learning standards in the British Columbia Language Curriculum. Included are 10 blocks of content, each covering a different text form. Within each block, the Big Ideas, learning standards and elaborations are taught.

This is a language program developed by a language teacher. We have included exemplars for students to use to formulate success criteria so they can improve their writing quality. Moreover, we’ve scaffolded the skills involved with producing quality writing to ensure all students can progress.

In addition, we have included a full-year long range plan that outlines what concepts from the curriculum you will be teaching each week.

Some of the concepts covered:

  • Types of text forms – when to use each one (narratives, letters/emails, persuasive, comic strips, reports, etc.)
  • Experiment – writing with planning time versus writing without planning time (no brainstorming)
  • Sentence beginnings – using adjectives, verbs, adverbs, conjunctions, and prepositional phrases
  • Writing descriptive sentences – using adjectives, verbs, adverbs and prepositions
  • Revision skills – how to fix run-on sentences
  • Revision skills – how to avoid repetition in writing
  • Revision skills – writing fluency: ensuring our writing can be read aloud fluently
  • Improving boring sentences using prepositions
  • How to write a paragraph – topic sentence (hook), body, conclusion
  • Formal versus informal letter writing – voice in our writing
  • Purpose and audience in letter writing – effect on our voice
  • Narrative writing – beginning, middle, end
  • Story elements – describing characters and setting
  • Story elements – writing plot twists and conflict resolutions
  • Describing the theme of stories
  • How to write dialogue – using quotations and speaker tags
  • Using quotations in our narratives – dialogue
  • Activity – Story Swap Revision Party
  • Activity – Is It Persuasive: Facts Versus Opinion
  • Understanding bias in persuasive writing
  • Assignment – advertising a new invention
  • Writing similes and alliteration
  • Writing reports – using the facts provided to organize a report
  • Logical order of facts and paragraphs in a report
  • How to research online – keywords
  • Questioning research strategies – formulating questions to research about a variety of topics
  • Activity – Online Treasure Hunt
  • Report Writing – writing strong introductions and conclusions
  • Types of poems – Haiku, Limerick, Cinquain, and Rhyming Poems (AABB Patterns)
  • Assignment – writing a poetry children’s book
  • Cursive writing – Limerick
  • Examining bias in reviews
  • Practicing summaries in book review writing
  • Publishing a book review
  • Comic strips – onomatopoeia and illustrating graphic texts
  • Assignment - creating an online comic strip
  • Biographies – cross curriculum: Chief Poundmaker and Nellie McClung (Social Studies) and da Vinci (Science)
  • Rubrics for all writing assignments
  • Success criteria for all writing assignments – used for student self-assessments
  • Cursive writing package – all letters (upper and lowercase)
  • Metacognitive activities – writing goals chart, reflection journal, what I have learned web
  • Answer pages for all activities

Grade 3 – British Columbia Language Curriculum – Comprehension, Story, and Text Forms. This resource covers all learning standards, elaborations, and Big Ideas related to reading strategies, comprehension, text forms, and stories in the grade 3 British Columbia Language (ELA) curriculum. There are 325 pages for students to master the skills they need to meet the requirements of the curriculum.

We’ve included a variety of activities, including independent reading responses, group activities, assignments, experiments, exemplars, and hands-on activities to keep your students engaged.

Included in this resource are the learning standards below:

Story/Text: elements of story, functions and genres, text features, and literary elements and devices.

Reading Strategies: using illustrations, rereading, retelling, summarizing, inferencing, making connections, predicting, visualizing, monitoring, and using knowledge of phonics.

Metacognitive Strategies: goal setting, self-evaluating, and reflections

In addition, we have included a full-year long range plan that outlines what concepts from the curriculum you will be teaching each week/block.

Some of the concepts covered:

  • What are text forms?
  • What is reading comprehension?
  • Before reading: comprehension strategies – activating prior knowledge and reasons for reading
  • During reading: comprehension strategies – questioning, making connections, inferences, predictions, visualizing
  • After reading: comprehension strategies – summarizing, making global and local inferences, visualizing
  • Genres in text forms – fiction and non-fiction
  • Sub-forms of genres – mystery, myths, realistic fiction, historical fiction, etc.
  • What is the theme of a story?
  • Describe conflicts in stories
  • Letter writing – emails, formal and informal letters, writing with voice
  • Narratives – use of literary devices: similes, hyperbole, and imagery
  • Perspective in narratives – first-person and third-person narration
  • Narratives – sequencing multiple plots in a story and explaining cause and effect
  • Circular plots in story writing
  • Character traits in narratives
  • Structure in stories – beginning, middle, end
  • Descriptive language and figurative language: imagery, rhythm, rhyme, simile, alliteration
  • Indigenous storytelling – learning about different symbols, languages, and values
  • Cross-curricular connections – science and social studies (energy, communities, etc.)
  • Using facts or opinions in persuasive writing
  • Making inferences about persuasive texts
  • Text features in reports – index, glossary, timelines, headings, subheadings, etc.
  • Sidebars used in report writing
  • Linear sequencing and cyclical sequencing in non-fiction texts
  • Reports on diversity, inclusion, and accessibility
  • Summarizing reports – determining the main idea and supporting details
  • Use of infographics, timelines, maps, diagrams, and pictures in reports
  • Literary devices used in poetry – hyperbole, imagery, and simile
  • Assignment – examining poems written by Indigenous authors
  • Understanding haiku, limericks, acrostic poems, cinquain poems, and rhyming poems
  • Text features in comics, infographics, memes, and maps
  • Text features in biographies – using a glossary and indexes to understand a biography
  • Biographies – Isaac Newton, Dian Fossey, Thomas Edison, and Edith Monture: index and glossary
  • Procedural writing – text forms: lists, title, graphics, and labels
  • How graphics improve procedural writing
  • Following instructions – drawing a wigwam and a dreamcatcher
  • Metacognitive activities: reading goals, using reading strategies reflections, tracking reading times
  • Answer pages for all activities

Grade 3 – British Columbia Language Curriculum – Oral Language. This resource covers all learning standards, elaborations and Big Ideas related to the Oral Language section of the Language curriculum (ELA). The 100-page unit includes lesson plans for the teacher, prompts for the students, planning pages, and reflection questions for students to consolidate their understanding.

Included in this unit are 34 activities that are interactive and engaging for grade 3 students. As students complete the activities, they will build on their oral communication skills, obtaining the learning standards stated in the curriculum. There are several activities provided for each learning standard listed in the curriculum.

We are proud to include everything you need to complete these activities. For example, if an activity asks for a story to be read, we provide the story. We’ve also included all emotions, story starters, expressions, and plays (reader’s theatre) you need.

Some of the concepts covered:

  • Oral Language – Listening Strategies
  • Activity: Idea Exchange Circle
  • Activity: Question Ball Toss
  • Activity: Question Jar
  • Activity: Respectful Storytelling Discussion
  • Activity: Dialogue Analysis in a Short Film
  • Activity: Keyword Bingo
  • Activity: Listening Links
  • Purposeful Pitch: Sales and Stories Activity
  • Activity: Opinion Beach Ball
  • Activity: Opinion Hot Seat
  • Speak with Expression Activity
  • Activity: Vocabulary Show & Tell
  • Activity: Mini-Presentations
  • Activity: Storytelling Circle
  • Activity: Memory Poem Performance
  • Activity: Reader's Theatre Performance
  • Activity: Logical Story Sequencing
  • Activity: Topic Train
  • Activity: Topic Circle
  • Activity: Story Building
  • Activity: Musical Conversations
  • Activity: Interview a Classmate
  • Activity: Who's Listening?
  • Activity: "Who's Listening? Tailoring Your Message"
  • Activity: Audience Bingo
  • Activity: Pause and Phrase Game
  • Activity: Speech Yoga
  • Activity: Voice Modulation Game
  • Charades & Gestures: Message Without Words
  • Activity: Reading Emotions Through Body Language
  • Activity: Silent Movie Summaries
  • Activity: Facial Expressions Circle

This is a comprehensive bundle that will save you hours of planning! It has everything you need to feel confident that you are covering the BC Language Arts curriculum.