BC Math Grade 2 Full Year Bundle
DIGITAL AND PDF VERSIONS BOTH INCLUDED! Grade 2 - BC Math Curriculum Updated 2016 – This resource covers all expectations in the Grade 2 – BC Math Curriculum. This product contains 703 activity sheets.
Check out each of the strands below to learn more about the resources included in this bundle.
Strand 1 - Numbers
- Skip-counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s forwards and backwards
- Counting using different starting points
- Even and Odd Numbers
- Composing and decomposing whole numbers to 100
- Using base ten blocks to represent numbers to 100
- Counting money as base ten reinforcement ($100, $10, $1)
- Comparing and ordering numbers to 100
- Using benchmarks of 25, 50, and 100
- Place value (assignment as well as activity sheets)
- Adding and subtracting 0 from any number
- Number line addition and subtraction
- Communitive property – Addition
- Associative Property
- Estimating sums and differences to 100
- Addition mental math strategies: counting on, making tens, doubling, and more
- Subtraction mental math strategies: adding up – finding the difference, counting back
- Addition and Subtraction math facts to 20
- 2 Unit Tests
Strand 2 - Patterning and Equations
- Repeating Patterns (different shapes, sizes, colours, orientations)
- A/B/C patterns with up to 5 elements
- Describing, extending, comparing and creating repeated patterns
- Growing patterns
- Increasing patterns using numbers to 20, 50, and 100
- Pattern Blocks
- Pattern Rules
- Pattern Cores
- Relationships between whole numbers (number strings using 2, 5 and 10)
- Equalities and inequalities using pan balances
- Balancing equations pictorially and filling in the blanks
- Using variables (letters) to represent quantities in an equation
- Balancing addition and subtraction equations using whole numbers to 100
- Evaluating equations deciding if they are equal (balanced)
- 2 Unit Tests – Patterns and Variables
Strand 3 - Measurement and Geometry
- Measuring length using centimetres and metres
- Estimating the length of objects or distances in centimetres and metres
- Using printed ruler to measure the length of objects
- Sorting 2-D and 3-D shapes using two attributes
- Sorting cones, cubes, spheres, cylinders, and pyramids
- Counting vertices, and sides of 2-D shapes
- Drawing, labelling, and comparing triangles, squares, rectangles, and circles
- Finding squares, rectangles, and triangles in our environment
- Finding 2-D shapes as part of 3-D objects in our environment
- Looking for triangles, circles, rectangles, squares in bridges, houses, and other buildings
Strand 4 - Data: Graphs and Probability
- Formulate survey questions
- Formulate yes/no survey questions
- Gather information about from others
- Using tally charts
- Counting tally marks
- Using frequency tables
- Interpreting tally tables
- Interpreting pictographs and concrete graphs
- Creating pictographs and concrete graphs
- Drawing conclusions about different sets of data
- Ordering data from greatest to least frequency
- Describing probability using the following terms – impossible, certain, and possible
- Describing probability – equally likely, more likely, and less likely
- Describing the probability of experiments
- Describing the probability of events from a students life
- 2 Unit Tests (Graphing and Probability)
Strand 5 - Financial Literacy
- Making Benchmark Dollars
- Counting Dollars
- Skip Counting Using Bills
- Counting Benchmark Cents
- Counting Cents
- Skip Counting Using Coins
- Comparing Money Amounts
- Converting Cents to Dollars
- Counting Canadian Coins
- Representing Money in Different Ways
- Adding Money
- Finding Exact Change
- Paying For Things Up
- Needs and Wants
- Unit Test – Financial Literacy
This is a comprehensive unit that will save you hours of planning! It has been tested and found effective in helping students achieve the specific learning outcomes created by the Ministry of Education.