Manitoba Grade 6 Social Studies - FULL YEAR BUNDLE

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Grade 6 – Manitoba Social Studies Curriculum – This bundle was created to cover the outcomes in all clusters of the Social Studies curriculum.


There are 725+ activity sheets that cover the learning standards in the social studies curriculum. This comprehensive bundle contains readings, hands-on activities, true/false, diagrams, reflections, word searches and more. We’ve presented the material in a variety of text forms, including reports, news articles, blog posts, and stories. There is also a unit test and answer pages for all activities!

Cluster 1: Building a Nation 1867-1914

Some of the concepts that are covered:

  • The British North America Act
  • Responsibilities/Rights of Citizens in 1867 vs Today
  • Activity – Comparative Rights Poster
  • Major Landforms and Bodies of Water in Canada
  • Activity – Map Labelling
  • Major Settlements of Rupert’s Land and Original Provinces
  • Federal System of Government in Canada
  • Newspaper Article: The Constitutional Monarchy
  • British-Style Parliament
  • Map of Canada - Capital Cities of Canada
  • Regions of Canada Map
  • Louis Riel and the Red River Resistance
  • Activity – Historical Figure Biography
  • Story: Life During the Red River Resistance
  • Noël-Joseph Ritchot and Alexandre-Antonin Taché
  • Blog Post: Manitoba's Entry into Confederation
  • Métis Bill of Rights
  • Article: Provisional Government of Manitoba
  • Entry of Other Provinces and Territories
  • Story: Diverse Stories in Canadian History
  • Fact or Fiction – North West Mounted Police
  • Story: Life During the Gold Rush Era in Canada
  • Activity – Gold Rush Impact: Diary Entries
  • Construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway
  • Chinese Labourers and the Railway
  • Newspaper Article: Completion of the CPR
  • Memory Game: Prime Ministers of Canada
  • Activity – Treaties and Reserves: Discussion Circle
  • Contributions of Indigenous Leaders (1867-1914)
  • Impact of Reserves on Indigenous Communities
  • Story: Indigenous Perspectives on Confederation
  • Newspaper Article: Living with the Land
  • First Nation Profiles: Algonquin, Wendat, Ojibwe, Haudenosaunee, Mohawk
  • Haudenosaunee Confederacy – Democracy and Decision Making In The Grand Council
  • Activity – Making a Haida Canoe and Building a Miniature Longhouse
  • Trade and Alliances/Treaties Between First Nations
  • Métis Indigenous Group - Culture
  • Tableaus – The Métis Struggle for Land
  • Groups that Immigrated/Emigrated to/from Canada
  • Story: Challenges Faced by New Immigrants
  • Immigration Policies (1867-1914)
  • Activity: Immigrant Scenarios Role Play
  • Story: Daily Life on a Prairie Homestead
  • Challenges Facing Early Settlers
  • Unit Test – Building A Nation
  • Answer Pages For All Activities

Cluster 2: An Emerging Nation

Some of the concepts that are covered:

  • What is Remembrance Day?
  • Canadian Prime Ministers (1914-1945)
  • Activity: Trading Card Game – Prime Ministers
  • Causes of World War I
  • Activity: Causes of World War I Comic Strip
  • Canada's Role in World War I
  • Internment During World War I
  • Activity – Internment Tableaus
  • Story: Battle of Vimy Ridge
  • Trench Warfare in World War I
  • Activity – Trench Warfare: Diary Entries
  • Newspaper Article: The Winnipeg General Strike
  • Activity – Winnipeg General Strike Newspaper
  • Story: Women’s Changing Roles (1914-1945)
  • Women’s Suffrage in Manitoba and Canada
  • Activity: Women’s Suffrage Role Play
  • Technological Developments (1914-1945)
  • Activity – Technological Development Timeline
  • Contribution of Various Groups to Canada
  • Role of Past Generations
  • Blog Post: The Natural Environment
  • Canadian Prime Ministers
  • Impact of the Depression on Urban and Rural Areas
  • Newspaper Article: New Political Movements
  • The Social Safety Net
  • Spelling Bee – Depression Era
  • First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Contributions to WWII
  • Activity – New Vocabulary Snowman
  • Canadian Prime Ministers During WWII
  • Causes of World War II
  • Canada's Role in World War II and Canadian Battles in WWII
  • The Holocaust
  • Fact or Fiction – World War II
  • Story: War Effort on the Home Front
  • Activity – War Effort Posters
  • Sacrifices Made by Canadians in the World Wars
  • Activity – WWII Improv Activities
  • Unit Test – An Emerging Nation
  • Answer Pages For All Activities

Cluster 3: Shaping Contemporary Canada

Some of the concepts that are covered:

  • What are the Provinces and Territories of Canada?
  • Fact or Fiction – Demographic Changes
  • Capital Cities of Canada
  • Key Prime Ministers of Canada (1945-Present)
  • Activity: Trading Card Game – Prime Ministers
  • Blog Post: The Impact of Bilingualism in Canada
  • Fact or Fiction – Bilingual Education
  • Historical Bilingual Education Policies
  • Multicultural Policies Trivia Card
  • The Affair Forest and Franco-Manitoban Linguistic Rights
  • Activity: Affaire Forest Case Study Role Play
  • Indigenous Rights Developments in Canada
  • Activity – Timeline of Indigenous Rights
  • Changes in Francophone Populations
  • Article: Division scolaire franco-manitobaine
  • Story: Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Canada
  • Spelling Bee – Canadian Diversity
  • The Transformation of Canadian Industry
  • Technological Innovations in Canada
  • Urbanization and Its Effects
  • Story: Advances in Canadian Education
  • Blog Post: Transportation and Canada's Growth
  • Communication Breakthroughs in Canada
  • Canada's Role in the Korean War
  • The Cold War and Canada
  • Canada's Participation in International Peacekeeping
  • Activity – Word Search on Peacekeeping
  • Newspaper Article: Canada and the Gulf War
  • Global Events Affecting Canadians
  • Canada's Participation in the United Nations
  • Unit Test – Shaping Contemporary Canada
  • Answer Pages For All Activities

Cluster 4: Canada Today

Some of the concepts that are covered:

  • What Makes Canada Unique?
  • Activity – Multicultural Quilt
  • Activity – Multicultural Pictionary
  • Protecting Canadian Identity
  • Activity – Canadian Content Posters
  • Blog Post: Canadian Culture in the Arts and Media
  • Memory Game: Canadian Content
  • Influence of the Environment on Canadian Life
  • Drawing Contest – Natural Environment
  • First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Identities and the Land
  • Spelling Bee – Canadian Culture
  • Features of the Canadian Government
  • Canadian Government Trivia Card
  • Representative vs Direct Democracies
  • Participation in Democracy
  • Democracy and Rule of Law
  • Political Parties - Platforms
  • Federal and Provincial Election Process
  • Levels of Government
  • Which Level of Government to Call?
  • Government Shared Responsibilities
  • Fact or Fiction – Responsibilities of Government
  • Roles of Government Representatives
  • First Nations Governance
  • Respecting Authority in Democracy
  • Story: Factors Shaping Identity
  • Influence on Francophone Identities
  • Indigenous Organizations and Rights
  • Francophone Organizations and Rights
  • Blog Post: Perspectives on Self-Determination
  • Citizenship
  • Activity - Mock Citizenship Test
  • Rights and Responsibilities
  • Collective Rights
  • Addressing Inequities in Canada
  • Historical Struggles and Achievements
  • Story: Benefits of Living in Canada
  • Ideals of Democracy
  • Notable Canadians: Past and Present
  • Canada's Global Connections
  • Interdependence with Other Regions
  • Unit Test
  • Answer Pages For All Activities

This is a comprehensive bundle that will save you hours of planning! It has been tested and found effective in helping students achieve the learning outcomes in the social studies curriculum.