Ontario Catholic Religion - Grade 2 Full Year Bundle

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This bundle was created to cover the all of the expectations in the Ontario Catholic School Religion Grade 2 curriculum. All 6 strands: Celebrating, Believing, Living in Solidarity, Living in Communion, Living a Moral Life, and Praying have been covered to save time for busy teachers! Students will practice literacy skills while demonstrating their understanding of the subject material. This comprehensive bundle contains readings, hands-on activities, true/false, diagrams, reflections, word searches, role plays, and more. We’ve presented the material in a variety of text forms, including reports, news articles, blog posts, and stories. There is also a unit test for each strand and answer pages for all activities!

Specifically, the following curriculum expectations have been covered:

Strand 1: Believing

  • The Annunciation
  • The Great Commission
  • Baptism of Jesus
  • Activity: Baptism of Jesus Watercolour Painting
  • The Oneness of God
  • Drawing Contest: Jesus' Mission
  • Fact or Fiction – Prayer in the Bible
  • Jesus' Mission on Earth
  • The Holy Spirit's Mission
  • Understanding the Trinity
  • Activity: Trinity Triangle Craft
  • Fact or Fiction – Understanding the Trinity
  • God's Word
  • Trust in God
  • Faith and Reason
  • God's Plan as a Gift
  • The Creed
  • Jesus' Death and Resurrection
  • Activity Title: Jesus' Life Timeline
  • Activity Title: Holy Spirit Flame Craft
  • Activity – Word Search (Names and Titles of Jesus)
  • God as the Father and Creator
  • Jesus, the Son of God
  • Story: The Holy Spirit in Scripture
  • Story: Professing Faith in the Trinity
  • Activity – Liturgical Seasons Vocabulary
  • Story: The Eucharist: Presence of Christ
  • Story: The Parts of the Mass
  • Story: The Last Supper and the Mass
  • Blog Post: Shared Experiences in Families
  • Unit Test – Religion: Living in Solidarity
  • Answer Pages For All Activities

Strand 2: Celebrating

  • God's Grace​
  • Healing and Forgiveness​
  • Healing in the Sacraments​
  • Activity: Grace Hearts Craft​
  • Drawing Contest: Grace and Healing​
  • Activity – New Vocabulary Snowman​
  • Activity: Symbols of Grace​
  • Understanding Grace​
  • Grace in Everyday Life​
  • Activity: Grace Jars​
  • Spelling Bee – Grace and Sacraments​
  • God in Nature​
  • Finding God in Others​
  • The Last Supper and Foot Washing​
  • Serving Others with Grace​
  • Fact or Fiction – Last Supper​
  • Role Play: The Last Supper​
  • The Mass as a Sacrifice of Love​
  • Remembering Christ's Sacrifice​
  • The New Covenant at the Last Supper​
  • Story: The Covenant and the Mass​
  • Fact or Fiction – The New Covenant​
  • Role Play: The New Covenant​
  • Story: The Holy Spirit's Role in the Eucharist​
  • Story: The Liturgy of the Eucharist​
  • Activity: Holy Spirit Wind Chimes​
  • Story: The Eucharist as a Life-Giving Action​
  • Blog Post: Blessings in the Eucharist​
  • Unit Test – Religion: Celebrating​
  • Answer Pages For All Activities

Strand 3: Living a Moral Life

  • The Beatitudes
  • Learning about the Beatitudes
  • Learning About Being Poor in Spirit
  • Learning About Mourning
  • Learning About Meekness
  • Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness
  • Mercy
  • Learning About Purity of Heart
  • About Peacemaking
  • Learning About Persecution for Righteousness
  • Our Desire for Happiness
  • The Ten Commandments
  • Activity: Beatitudes Bracelet Making
  • Activity: Happiness Pathway
  • Activity: Happiness Journal
  • Show and Tell: Happiness in Our Lives
  • Fact or Fiction – Happiness and God's Love
  • Love of God and Neighbour
  • Understanding Sin and Forgiveness
  • Activity: Forgiveness Chain
  • Activity: Love Your Neighbour Cards
  • Role Play: Good Samaritan
  • Story: The Story of the Prodigal Son
  • Story: The Ten Commandments
  • Story: The Commandment of Love
  • Drawing Contest: Ten Commandments
  • Role Play: Forgiveness Scenarios
  • Fact or Fiction – God's Mercy and Forgiveness
  • Story: The Gifts of the Sacraments
  • Story: The Gift of Grace
  • Jeopardy – Sacraments and Grace
  • Blog Post: Receiving God's Grace
  • Story: Growing with Help
  • Unit Test
  • Answer Pages For All Activities

Strand 4: Living in Communion

  • The Last Supper ​
  • Jesus' Commandment of Love​
  • Activity: Last Supper Plate Craft​
  • Activity: Bread and Grape Painting​
  • Activity – New Vocabulary Snowman​
  • Four Corners Activity: Opinion Questions​
  • Jesus Calls the First Disciples​
  • Jesus Appoints the Twelve Apostles​
  • Jesus the Vine, We the Branches​
  • The Gift of the Holy Spirit​
  • Communion with Christ’s Body​
  • The Last Supper and Foot Washing​
  • Jesus' Promise to Remain with Us​
  • Activity: Pentecost Windmill Craft​
  • Drawing Contest: Church Community​
  • Role Play: Jesus' Teachings and Parables​
  • Actions that Unite Families​
  • Actions that Hurt Relationships​
  • The Importance of Forgiveness​
  • Activity: Family Roles Chart Activity​
  • Memory Game: Family Roles​
  • Jesus Heals the Sick​
  • Raising Lazarus​
  • Fact or Fiction – The Life of Jesus​
  • Spelling Bee – Jesus Healing Vocabulary​
  • Role Play: Jesus' Miracles and Healing Stories​
  • Story: The Story of Feast Days and Saints​
  • Story: Mary, the Mother of God​
  • Story: The Special Prayers at Mass​
  • Blog Post: Celebrating Together​
  • Story: Remembering Loved Ones​
  • Unit Test – Religion: Living in Communion​
  • Answer Pages For All Activities​

Strand 5: Living in Solidarity

  • Witnessing Jesus' Resurrection​
  • The Road to Emmaus​
  • Jeopardy – Curriculum Review ​
  • The Liturgy of the Word​
  • The Liturgy of the Eucharist​
  • The Communion Rite​
  • The Concluding Rite​
  • Fact or Fiction – The Eucharist ​
  • Four Corners Activity: Opinion Questions​
  • Activity: Prayer Journals​
  • Activity: Jesus as Our Friend Art​
  • Living the Exhortation​
  • Faith in Action​
  • Being Role Models​
  • Role Play: Sent Forth to Serve​
  • Activity: Good Deeds Jar​
  • The Woman at the Well​
  • Showing Fellowship and Acceptance​
  • Story: The Story of Zacchaeus​
  • Fact or Fiction – Jesus’ Miracles​
  • Role Play: Jesus Welcomes the Marginalized​
  • Story: The Sacrifice of the Eucharist​
  • Activity – Eucharistic Vocabulary Snowman​
  • Bread and Wine Symbolism​
  • Story: Respecting Human Dignity​
  • Story: The Power of Praying for Others​
  • Blog Post: Showing Respect in Daily Life​
  • Activity – Word Search on Human Dignity​
  • Activity: Respect Cards​
  • Unit Test – Living in Solidarity​
  • Answer Pages For All Activities​

Strand 6: Praying

  • Learning About the Eucharist​
  • Participating Fully in Mass​
  • The Structure of the Mass​
  • The Power of Communal Prayer​
  • Four Corners Activity: Opinion Questions​
  • Jeopardy – Religion Curriculum Review ​
  • Listening to the Scriptures​
  • Bible Study and Prayer​
  • The Bible as a Guide​
  • Activity: Bible Verse Bookmark​
  • The Story of Pentecost​
  • Fellowship in the Early Church​
  • The Holy Spirit in Our Lives​
  • Life of the Early Christians ​
  • The Apostles' Mission​
  • Role Play: Early Christian Fellowship​
  • Activity: Pentecost Windsock​
  • Structure of Prayers of the Faithful​
  • Story: Writing Prayers of Intercession​
  • Fact or Fiction – Intercessory Prayers​
  • Different Types of Prayer​
  • Story: Praying for Others​
  • Story: Spontaneous Prayers of Petition​
  • Activity: Popcorn Prayers​
  • Morning and Evening Prayers​
  • Blog Post: Continuous Dialogue with Jesus​
  • Story: Tommy's Daily Prayer Routine​
  • Activity – Word Search on Daily Prayers​
  • Tableaus: Daily Prayer​
  • Activity: Prayer Journal​
  • Activity: Prayer Schedule Posters​
  • Unit Test – Praying Unit​
  • Answer Pages For All Activities​

This is a comprehensive bundle that will save you hours of planning! It has been tested and found effective in helping students achieve the learning goals in the Religion Curriculum.


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