Ontario Catholic Religion - Grade 4 Full Year Bundle
This bundle was created to cover all of the expectations in the Ontario Catholic School Religion Grade 4 curriculum. All 6 strands: Celebrating, Believing, Living in Solidarity, Living in Communion, Living a Moral Life, and Praying have been covered to save time for busy teachers! Students will practice literacy skills while demonstrating their understanding of the subject material. This comprehensive bundle contains readings, hands-on activities, true/false, diagrams, reflections, word searches, role plays, and more. We’ve presented the material in a variety of text forms, including reports, news articles, blog posts, and stories. There is also a unit test for each strand and answer pages for all activities!
Specifically, the following curriculum expectations have been covered:
Strand 1: Believing
- The Bible
- Stories of the Old Testament
- Jesus’ Parables
- God as the Author of the Bible
- Jesus as the Word of God
- The Role of the Holy Spirit
- Four Corners Activity: Opinion Questions
- Spelling Bee – Sacred Scripture Terms
- The Magisterium
- Reverence for the Bible in the Church
- Christian Families
- Activity Title: Design a Bible Bookmark
- Vocabulary Snowman: Magisterium Terms
- Eternal Life in the Bible
- The Kingdom of Heaven
- Activity Title: Scripture Promise Jar
- Trivia Card : Eternal Life and Resurrection
- Readers' Theatre: Jesus' Parables of the Kingdom
- Three States After Death
- Fact or Fiction – Beliefs About Eternal Life
- Activity: Heaven, Purgatory, Hell Drawing
- Resurrection of the Body
- Story: Communion of Saints
- Signs of Unity in the Early Church
- Unity in the Church Today
- Ecumenism: Working Toward Unity
- Role Play: Forms of Christian Unity
- Role Play: Saints in Action
- Activity Title: World Day of Prayer Poster
- Story: The Church is One
- Story: Understanding the Church’s Leaders
- Story: The Chain That Keeps Us Connected
- Blog Post: The Fruits of the Holy Spirit
- Activity Title: Creed Banner Creation
- Unit Test
- Answer Pages For All Activities
Strand 2: Celebrating
- The Story of the Paralytic
- The Parable of the Prodigal Son
- Jesus Gives the Power to Forgive
- Role Play: Forgiveness Scenarios
- Activity Title: Creating Forgiveness Cards
- Receiving Reconciliation
- Symbols of Reconciliation
- Drawing Contest: Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Baptism and the Liturgical Seasons
- Lent and Reconciliation
- The Eucharist and Easter
- Spelling Bee – Sacraments and Liturgical Seasons
- Memory Game: Sacraments and Liturgical Seasons
- Activity Title: World Day of Prayer Poster
- Healing through the Eucharist
- Forgiveness in Daily Relationships
- The Role of Charity in Reconciliation
- Fact or Fiction – Forgiveness
- Activity Title: Reconciliation Walk of Reflection
- The Gifts of Bread and Wine
- Sharing in Christ’s Body and Blood
- Moses and the Burning Bush
- The Story of the Road to Emmaus
- The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats
- Role Play: Encountering Christ
- The Wonders of Nature as God’s Gift
- The Joy in a Child’s Laughter
- Story: A Parent’s Love
- Four Corners Activity: Opinion Questions
- Activity Title: Nature Walk and Reflection Journal
- Story: The Story of Advent: Waiting for Jesus
- Story: The Christmas Gift
- Story: The Story of Lent and Easter
- Activity: Advent and Lent Timeline Craft
- The Baptistery
- The Tabernacle and Christ’s Presence
- The Sanctuary
- Sacraments: Gifts of Grace
- Story: Sacraments and Sacramentals
- Blog Post: Sacred Music: Lifting Hearts to God
- Unit Test
- Answer Pages For All Activities
Strand 3: Living a Moral Life
- The Ten Commandments
- The Role of the Ten Commandments in Baptism
- The Ten Commandments and Reconciliation
- Activity: Ten Commandments Prayer Chain
- Drawing Contest: Ten Commandments
- Moses and the Golden Calf
- Story: King David: Sin and Forgiveness
- Story: Jonah and Nineveh
- Story: King Solomon: Wisdom and God's Law
- Activity Title: Moses' Tablet Scrolls
- Activity Title: David's Crown and Sin Reflection
- Activity Title: Jonah’s Whale of Forgiveness
- Fact or Fiction – God’s Mercy in the Bible
- Role Play: Responding to God's Call for Mercy
- The Ten Commandments at School
- God’s Law in Our Hearts
- Our Conscience
- Examining Conscience Before Reconciliation
- The Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Snowman – Sacramental Vocabulary
- The Judgment of Conscience
- Role Play: Moral Decisions in Everyday Situations
- Hearing God’s Voice
- God’s Voice in Our Conscience
- Four Corners Activity: Opinion Questions
- The Prodigal Son
- Story: The Story of Zacchaeus
- Activity Title: Mercy and Forgiveness Ladder
- The Eucharist Brings Us Together
- The Power of the Eucharist
- Conversion in Reconciliation
- Blog Post: How Reconciliation Helps Us
- Unit Test
- Answer Pages For All Activities
Strand 4: Living in Communion
- What is the Church?
- Symbols of the Church
- PowerPoint Collage – Symbols of the Church
- Pictionary – Symbols of the Church
- Activity: Unity Flag
- The Church is One
- Ecumenism
- Role Play: Ecumenism and Unity
- The Church as a Mystery
- Sacraments
- Show and Tell: Sacraments as Signs of Holiness
- Activity Title: The Good Shepherd Song
- Story: The Prodigal Son: A Story of Forgiveness
- Fact or Fiction – Parables and Sinners
- The Mass as a Call to Holiness
- Story: Charity and Holiness
- Role Play: Charity and Virtue in Action
- Spelling Bee – Sacred Scripture Terms
- Four Corners Activity: Charity and Holiness
- Activity Title: Holiness in Action Map
- L’Arche: A Community of Holiness Service
- Prayer Groups and Holiness
- Story: The Legion of Mary
- Story: Saint Francis of Assisi
- Activity Title: Saints' Biography Booklet
- Saint Thérèse
- Saint Maximilian Kolbe
- Story: Saint Teresa of Calcutta
- Blog Post: The Saints: Examples of Holiness
- Trivia Card: Eternal Life and Resurrection
- Unit Test – Religion: Living in Communion
- Answer Pages For All Activities
Strand 5: Living in Solidarity
- Jesus’ Special Authority
- Jesus’ Authority and the Centurion’s Faith
- Jesus’ Authority Questioned
- The Pharisees’ Challenge to Jesus
- Trivia Card: Exploring Jesus’ Authority
- Readers’ Theatre: Authority and Responsibility
- What Is Power and Authority?
- Story: The Story of Mark and the School Helpers
- Show and Tell: Authority and Power in Our Lives
- Spelling Bee – Authority and Stewardship
- Four Corners Activity: Opinion Questions
- Blog Post: Authority Figures in Our Community
- Role Play: Authority and Power in Our Lives
- Fact or Fiction – Jesus’ Authority and Leaders
- Activity: Spiritual Gifts Treasure Hunt
- Being Made in God’s Image
- Goodness of God’s Creation and Our Responsibility
- Story: Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- Drawing Contest: Creation of the World
- Activity – Word Search on Creation and Salvation
- Tableaus: Creation Story and Human Dignity
- Understanding Fundamental Rights
- Understanding Prosperity and Development
- Peace and Security
- Stewards of God’s Creation
- Protecting the Natural World
- Responsibility to Protect the Natural World
- Role Play: Stewardship of God’s Creation
- Snowman – God’s Creation and Authority
- The Mission to Spread the Gospel
- Sharing the Good News in Today’s World
- Story: The Story of God’s Plan for Us
- Respecting People of Different Faiths
- Story: Building Bridges of Friendship
- Helping Others Learn About Christ
- Story: God’s Love for Everyone
- Unit Test
- Answer Pages For All Activities
Strand 6: Praying
- Jesus Hears Our Prayers
- Activity: Prayer Jar for Virtues
- Moses' Prayers in the Desert
- Blog Post: Examples of Jesus Answering Prayers
- Jesus’ Priestly Prayer
- Jesus’ Prayer for Unity
- Jesus’ Prayer and the Eucharistic Prayer
- Activity Title: Prayer Chain for Reconciliation
- Conversion of Heart in Prayer
- Story: Maya’s Lesson in Forgiveness
- Jesus and Prayer in His Life
- Jesus Prays for His Disciples
- Jesus’ Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane
- Jesus’ Use of Parables to Teach About Prayer
- Jesus' Prayer on the Cross
- Story: Learning to Pray Like Jesus
- Role Play: Jesus' Prayers in the Gospels
- Fact or Fiction – Jesus' Prayer Life
- Tableaus: The Lord’s Prayer
- Activity Title: Prayer Stations: Forms of Prayer
- Petition and Intercession
- Thanksgiving and Praise
- Story: A Prayer of Blessing and Adoration
- Role Play: Forms of Prayer in the Mass
- Spelling Bee – Prayer Terms
- Activity – Word Search on Forms of Prayer
- Four Corners Activity: Opinion Questions
- Activity Title: Rosary Bead Craft
- The Rosary as a Form of Prayer
- The Liturgical Year and Forms of Prayer
- Story: Saint Teresa of Calcutta
- PowerPoint Collage – Liturgical Year Prayers
- Unit Test
- Answer Pages For All Activities
This is a comprehensive bundle that will save you hours of planning! It has been tested and found effective in helping students achieve the learning goals in the Religion Curriculum.
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