Ontario Catholic Religion - Grade 6 Full Year Bundle

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This bundle was created to cover the all of the expectations in the Ontario Catholic School Religion Grade 6 curriculum. All 6 strands: Celebrating, Believing, Living in Solidarity, Living in Communion, Living a Moral Life, and Praying have been covered to save time for busy teachers! Students will practice literacy skills while demonstrating their understanding of the subject material. This comprehensive bundle contains readings, hands-on activities, true/false, diagrams, reflections, word searches, role plays, and more. We’ve presented the material in a variety of text forms, including reports, news articles, blog posts, and stories. There is also a unit test for each strand and answer pages for all activities!

Specifically, the following curriculum expectations have been covered:

Strand 1: Believing

  • God's Plan of Salvation
  • The Creation Story in Genesis
  • Bible Bookmarks
  • Understanding Grace and Mercy
  • Faith and Reason
  • Faith and Science
  • Story: The Windy Day of Wonders
  • Sacred Scripture Vocabulary Spelling Bee
  • Discovering God in Nature
  • Understanding Conscience and Moral Law 
  • The Mysteries of Jesus' Infancy and Hidden Life 
  • Story: The Incarnation
  • Jesus' Baptism and Public Ministry
  • Miracles of Jesus
  • Story: The Temptation of Jesus
  • The Transfiguration of Jesus
  • Blog Post: The Paschal Mystery
  • Jeopardy – Magisterium and Eternal Life
  • Activity Title: Illustrating the Promise of Eternal Life
  • The Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary
  • The Holy Spirit and the Church
  • Role Play: Journey Beyond - Exploring States of Life After Death
  • Revelation Through Tradition
  • Activity Title: "Living Saints" Biography Project
  • Fact or Fiction – Resurrection/Communion of Saints
  • Story: Names and Titles of Jesus
  • Catholicity and Christ's Presence
  • Role Play: Unity in the Early Church
  • Blog Post: Signs of Catholicity
  • Story: The Story of Apostolic Succession
  • Canon Law and Church Discipline
  • Fact or Fiction – Unity Efforts in the Catholic Church
  • The Role of the Pope
  • Activity – Snowman Vocabulary Game
  • Major World Religions
  • Activity Title: "One Church" Timeline
  • Unit Test – Religion: Believing
  • Answer Pages For All Activities

Strand 2: Celebrating

  • The Role of the Priest in Forgiveness
  • Fact or Fiction - Sacraments
  • The Sacrament of Reconciliation
  • Rite of Reconciliation
  • Activity Title: Reconciliation Steps Poster
  • Role Play: Reconciliation Steps
  • Rituals and Symbols of Reconciliation
  • Understanding the Sacraments
  • Activity – Pictionary: Symbols of the Sacraments
  • Word Search Creation: Sacraments and Symbols
  • Story - Seasonal Sacraments
  • Activity – Liturgical Seasons Vocabulary
  • Lent and Penance
  • Blog Post: Reconciliation in the Community
  • Role Play: Building Bridges - Practicing Reconciliation
  • Gifts of the Eucharist
  • Memory Game: Eucharist Symbols
  • Fact or Fiction - Eucharist
  • Recognizing Christ in Scripture
  • Story - Transformative Gifts from God
  • Scripture and Liturgical Seasons
  • Jeopardy – Liturgical Seasons and Sacraments
  • Old Testament Prophecies
  • Lenten Reflections
  • Activity Title: Forgiveness Chain
  • Blog Post: Easter Proclamations
  • Story - Sacred Spaces in the Church
  • Activity Title: Sacred Space Model
  • Activity Title: Show and Tell: Sacred Items
  • Story: The Wonders of Sacraments and Sacramentals
  • Activity Title: Forgiveness Hearts
  • Activity Title: Liturgical Season Wheels
  • Unit Test – Religion: Celebrating
  • Answer Pages For All Activities

Strand 3: Living a Moral Life

  • Understanding Natural Moral Law​
  • Activity Title: Create a Moral Law Heart Poster​
  • Understanding the Old and New Law in Scripture​
  • Activity : Snowman- Commandments Vocabulary​
  • Human Civil Laws and Natural Moral Law​
  • Story: Social Justice and Poverty​
  • Human Reason and Moral Decisions​
  • Reason in Human Development and Community Building​
  • Fact or Fiction – Environmental Stewardship​
  • Blog Post: The Moral Implications of Technology​
  • Fact or Fiction – Technology Ethics​
  • Story: Honour Your Father and Mother​
  • Role Play: Honouring Parents​
  • The Sanctity of Human Life​
  • Role Play: Respecting Human Life​
  • Activity Title: Commandment Consequences Comic Strip​
  • The Beatitudes and Moral Living​
  • Activity Title: Drawing Contest - Beatitudes​
  • Thy Will Be Done - The Garden of Gethsemane​
  • Story: Discipleship and Servant Leadership​
  • Forgiveness and Reconciliation​
  • Activity Title: "Thy Will Be Done" Prayer Cards​
  • Story: Peer Pressure and Moral Choices​
  • Defining Conscience and Conscience Formation​
  • Blog Post: The SEE, JUDGE, ACT Model​
  • Activity Title: SEE, JUDGE, ACT Scenarios​
  • Jesus' Call to Holiness​
  • Characteristics of Holiness​
  • Trivia Card Student Creation: Holiness and Virtues​
  • Moral Choices and Christian Virtues​
  • Story: The Lives of Saints​
  • Activity Title: Readers Theatre-Lives of Saints​
  • Unit Test – Religion: Living a Moral Life​
  • Answer Pages For All Activities​

Strand 4: Living in Communion

  • The Foundation of Consecrated Life ​
  • Priestly Life and its Evangelical Counsels ​
  • Monastic Life: The Life of Monks and Nuns ​
  • Activity Title: Monastic Life Timeline ​
  • Story: Cloistered Religious Life-Carmelite Nuns and Monks ​
  • Orders and Congregations: Franciscans and Dominicans ​
  • Hierarchical Structure of the Church​
  • Activity Title: Hierarchical Structure Diagram ​
  • Blog Post: Teaching Office of the Church​
  • Story: Sanctifying Office of the Church ​
  • Governing Office of the Church ​
  • The Vocation of the Baptized ​
  • Role Play: Baptismal Promises ​
  • The Priestly Office of the Laity ​
  • Spelling Bee: Vocation Vocabulary​
  • Story: The Prophetic Office of the Laity ​
  • The Kingly Office of the Laity ​
  • Role Play: Lay Ministries ​
  • The Immaculate Conception ​
  • Blog Post: The Assumption of Mary​
  • Story: Mary as the Mother of the Church​
  • Activity : Snowman- Marian Vocabulary​
  • Mary, the First Disciple​
  • Activity Title: Readers Theatre - Marian Stories​
  • Mary's Role in Our Growth in Holiness ​
  • Fact or Fiction: Life of Mary ​
  • The Role of Deacons in the Church ​
  • Story: The Role of Bishops and Their Apostolic Mission​
  • The Pope's Role as the Vicar of Christ ​
  • Activity Title: Papal Letter Writing ​
  • The Importance of Canon Law​
  • Activity Title: Bishop’s Mitre Craft ​
  • Blog Post: The Role of Parish Councils ​
  • Story: Evangelization in Daily Life ​
  • Living Out the Gospel in Service ​
  • Four Corners Activity: Understanding Church Roles and Teachings​
  • Unit Test – Religion: Living a Communion​
  • Answer Pages For All Activities​

Strand 5: Living in Solidarity

  • The Call of Moses ​
  • The Call of Jeremiah​
  • Story: The Call of the First Disciples​
  • The Annunciation to Mary​
  • Introduction to Christian Vocation ​
  • Understanding Baptism ​
  • Activity Title: Show and Tell: Baptismal Symbols ​
  • Blog Post: Personal Responsibility in Family ​
  • Role Play: Personal Responsibility in Family ​
  • Story: Personal Responsibility in School ​
  • Personal Responsibility in Parish ​
  • Activity Title: Personal Responsibility Tree ​
  • Jesus and the Samaritan Woman ​
  • Activity Title: Parable of the Samaritan Woman Comic Strip ​
  • Jesus and the Man with the Withered Hand ​
  • Activity Title: Drawing Contest- Acts of Compassion ​
  • Story: Jesus and the Paralyzed Man ​
  • Human Differences vs. Sinful Inequalities​
  • Fact or Fiction: Religious Differences​
  • Identifying Social Injustices ​
  • Blog Post: Social Justice and Human Dignity ​
  • Role Play: Social Justice Scenarios ​
  • Fact or Fiction: Human Rights ​
  • Religious Observances and Feasts ​
  • Memory Game: Religious Celebrations ​
  • Story: Celebrating God's Presence in Birth ​
  • Celebrating Coming of Age ​
  • Celebrating Marriage ​
  • Celebrating Death and Eternal Life ​
  • Story: Respecting Religious Diversity ​
  • Spelling Bee – Vocation Vocabulary​
  • Four Corners Activity: Respect for Religious Diversity​
  • Unit Test – Religion: Living in Solidarity​
  • Answer Pages For All Activities​

Strand 6: Praying

  • Introduction to Prayer
  • Obstacles to Prayer and Overcoming Them
  • Four Corners Activity: Opinions on Overcoming Prayer Obstacles
  • Intercessory Prayer for Peace
  • Activity Title: Intercessory Prayer Chain
  • Activity – Word Searches: Intercessory Prayers for Injustices
  • Story: Real-Life Injustices: Poverty and Starvation
  • Real-Life Injustices: Oppression and Prejudice
  • Real-Life Injustices: Environmental Harm
  • Activity Title: Environmental Stewardship Pledges
  • Blog Post: The Lord's Prayer and Social Justice
  • Story: Saints and Social Justice
  • Praying the Psalms
  • Role Play: Transformative Power of Psalms
  • Activity Title: Readers Theatre-Praying the Psalms
  • The Prayer of St. Francis
  • Activity Title: Peace Flags with St. Francis Prayer
  • The Prayer of St. Ignatius of Loyola
  • Fact or Fiction: Catholic Prayers and Traditions
  • Story: Liturgical Seasons: Advent and Social Justice
  • Liturgical Seasons: Lent and Social Justice
  • The Liturgy of the Word in Mass
  • Role Play: Liturgy of the Word
  • Blog Post: Lectio Divina
  • Story: Homilies and Commentaries on Scripture
  • The Role of Silence in Prayer
  • The Rosary and Meditative Prayer
  • Contemporary Christian Music and Prayer
  • Unit Test – Religion: Praying
  • Answer Pages For All Activities

This is a comprehensive bundle that will save you hours of planning! It has been tested and found effective in helping students achieve the learning goals in the Religion Curriculum.


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