Ontario - Grade 1 - Social Studies - FULL YEAR BUNDLE

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Grade 1 – Ontario Social Studies Curriculum – Our Changing Roles and Responsibilities. This product was created to cover the expectations in the Ontario Social Studies Grade 1 curriculum – Strand A: Our Changing Roles and Responsibilities


There are 92 activity sheets that cover the expectations in the social studies curriculum. This unit contains readings, surveys, cut and paste activities, assignments and a variety of fun activities – drawings, word searches, matching, multiple choice, true/false, and more!


Check out the preview of this unit to learn more about how it can benefit your students.


Some of the concepts that are covered:

  • Your role as a student
  • Self-assessment of your role of a student
  • Student responsibilities – Rules at school
  • COVID-19 responsibilities at school
  • Respectful behaviour at school
  • Impact of our behaviour on other people
  • Bullying survey
  • Helping each other – how the other person feels
  • Your role at home - how our roles are all different
  • How your role can change at home
  • Factors that can change our role at home – new baby, new home, new school, etc.
  • Responsibilities and rules at home
  • Laws vs rules
  • Laws and rules in the community
  • Significant places in the community – hospital, library, school, bank, grocery store, etc.
  • Significant things in your life – toy, teddy bear, blanket, etc.
  • Significant people in your life – parents, doctor, grandparents, siblings, teacher, etc.
  • Relationships in your life – relationship with teacher, parents, siblings, friends, etc.
  • Big events in your life
  • Ordering events in your life – timeline
  • Good manners – table manners, respect at school, home and the community
  • Unit test
  • Answer pages for all activities


Grade 1 – Ontario Social Studies Curriculum – The Local Community. This product was created to cover the expectations in the Ontario Social Studies Grade 1 curriculum – Strand B: The Local Community.


There are 84 activity sheets that cover the expectations in the social studies curriculum. This unit contains readings, maps, cut and paste activities, assignments and a variety of fun activities – colouring sheets, fill in the blanks, multiple choice, true/false, and more!


Check out the preview of this unit to learn more about how it can benefit your students.


Some of the concepts that are covered:

  • Overview of the continents on Earth
  • What is a natural feature?
  • Natural features at school
  • Natural features in the local community
  • Interacting with natural features
  • How to interact responsibly with natural features – Poster Assignment
  • Writing activities – Favourite natural features, built features, job
  • Built features at school and in the local community
  • Services provided by the local community
  • How we can help workers in our community – our responsibilities
  • Mapping skills – scale
  • Drawing pictures to scale
  • Areas in your school and in your community
  • Housing areas, shopping areas, and working areas (factories)
  • Relative location – near, far, up, and down
  • Relative distance – closer, further, closest, furthest
  • Relative direction – left, right, in front, behind
  • Mapping – drawing maps of your school yard, school, community
  • Needs in your community – how they are met
  • Life without community workers
  • Jobs in our community
  • Answer pages for all activities


This is a comprehensive unit that will save you hours of planning! It has been tested and found effective in helping students achieve the learning goals in the social studies curriculum.