NEW 2022 Curriculum! Ontario Grade 2 Science Bundle - FULL YEAR BUNDLE
New Ontario 2022 Science Curriculum. This FULL YEAR bundle covers all expectations in the Ontario Science Grade 2 curriculum.
Students will practice literacy skills when demonstrating their understanding of the subject material. These sheets were made for cross-curricular connections between language and science. Students will make connections, infer, support their answers with evidence from the text, and summarize. Each worksheet contains a reading followed by questions for them to demonstrate their learning. Students will enjoy the matching, true or false, and multiple choice questions.
Unit 1 - Growth and Changes in Animals
Some of the concepts that are covered:
- Vertebrate animals and invertebrate animals
- Readings and activities for vertebrates: mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and birds
- Readings and activities for invertebrates: worms, insects, and spiders
- Classifying vertebrates and invertebrates
- Animal locomotion – how different animals can move (bipedal, no limbs, rolling)
- How animals move – slither, swim, galop, crawl, jump, fly, and run/walk
- Frog life cycle – diagram, reading, and activities
- Butterfly life cycle – diagram, reading, and activities
- Ant life cycle – diagram, reading, and activities
- Mammal life cycle – diagram, reading, and activities
- Food needs while growing – birds, mammals, and fish
- Identify changes in animals
- Match baby animals to adult animals (foals, horses, calf, cow, etc.)
- Animal adaptation – behaviour (hibernate, migrate)
- Animal adaptation – body shape (flippers, webbed feet)
- Animal adaptation – the Cecropia Moth (snake like appearance)
- How animals help us – pollinate, bats, entertainment (pets)
- Harmful animals – allergies, dangerous animals (snakes, spiders, bears)
- Humans fighting for animal rights (PETA)
- How to help animals – poster assignment
- Unit Test
- Answer pages for all activities
Unit 2 - Simple Machines and Movement
Some of the concepts that are covered:
- In what ways do objects move? (circular, straight line, zig-zag, up and down, back and forth)
- What forces cause objects to move?
- Friction and gravity
- Push and pull forces causing objects to move
- Simple machines – wheel and axle, lever, inclined plane, screw, wedge, and pulley
- Gears – bicycles
- Gear ratio – number of teeth
- Using gear ratios to determine force created by gear trains
- Wheel and axle – vehicles, wagons, and Egyptians using rollers
- Pulleys – fixed pulley, moveable pulley, and compound pulleys
- Calculating the force created by compound pulleys
- Experiment – creating pulley systems
- Levers – three types: class 1, class 2, class 3
- Calculating the force created by levers
- Experiment – testing different levers
- Inclined planes – diagrams, calculations, and questions
- Wedge – everyday uses of wedges
- Screws – diagram of a screw (pitch, shank, head, thread)
- Identifying simple machines in your life
- Importance of simple machines in our lives
- How simple machines affect the environment (using energy – pollution)
- Unit test
- Answer pages for all activities
Unit 3 - Properties of Liquids and Solids
Some of the concepts that are covered:
- What is matter?
- All about liquids and solids
- Freezing point of liquids
- Freezing rain – dangers
- Natural vs human made solids
- Characteristics of solids and liquids
- Melting point of solids
- Lab experiment – melting
- Water – how it changes states
- Flow of liquids
- Experiment – gelatin (liquid changing states)
- Classify - solids vs liquids
- Strong solids
- Combining liquids and solids – mixtures
- Dissolving solids in liquids
- Experiment – dissolving process
- Different mixtures – solid/solid, solid/liquid, liquid/liquid
- Sink or float
- Buoyancy in water – experiment
- Buoyancy of different fluids
- Solids that absorb or repel liquids
- Symbols that keep us safe
- Toxic waste
- Medicine – types and disposal
- Unit test
- Answer pages for all activities
Unit 4 - Air and Water in the Environment
Some of the concepts that are covered:
- Properties of air
- Experiment – Does air have weight?
- How living things need air
- Experiment – air pressure
- Air on the move – helping plants and using wind as energy
- Fire and air – fire needs oxygen
- Properties of water
- Different sources of water – lakes, rivers, streams, oceans, ponds
- Water in natural and built environments
- Evaporation – reading and experiment
- Condensation – reading and experiment
- The water cycle – reading and activities
- Three states of water – water, ice, vapour
- How heat changes the states of water
- All living things need water
- Water transportation – cargo ships
- Water recreation – how humans enjoy water
- Water power – hydroelectricity
- Water pollution – human activities affecting water quality
- Wasting water – personal survey
- Making a plan to conserve water
- Freshwater around the world – availability (limited wells in Africa)
- Importance of water to Indigenous groups
- Air and water pollution assignment – designing a poster
- Unit test
- Answer pages for all activities
*** Answer Pages for all worksheets
*** Unit Tests for all Units