Ontario Grade 6 Health - Full Year Bundle

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2019 Ontario Health Curriculum – Grade 6 Bundle – This resource covers all expectations and learning goals in the Grade 6, 2019 Ontario Health Curriculum.


This comprehensive bundle contains readings, research assignments, true/false, diagrams, reflections, drawings, word searches, word scrambles and more. There is also a unit test and answer pages for all units!


Healthy Eating

Some of the concepts that are covered:

  • Mindful eating
  • Mindful eating activity – hunger meter
  • Sometimes vs anytime food
  • Hunger and thirst cues
  • Making healthy food choices – drinks
  • Factors affecting food choices – taste, texture, habits, allergies, stress and emotions
  • Factors affecting food choices – geography, advertising, culture, cost, social factors, the environment
  • Influences on food choices – peers and parents
  • Composting
  • Making a pop bottle composter
  • Media influence on food choices
  • Stress and food choices
  • Environmental impact of food choices
  • Culture and food choices
  • Food skills
  • Infographic – food waste and food shortage
  • Creating an infographic – food waste and food shortage
  • Food allergies
  • Anaphylaxis and food intolerances
  • Nutritional labels
  • Ingredient lists
  • Determining healthy/unhealthy foods based on their food label
  • Comparing food based on their ingredient list/nutritional facts
  • Reading a food label – guess the food activity
  • Assignment – satirical food poster
  • Eating healthy – tips
  • Benefits of eating healthy
  • Active living and eating healthy
  • Unit Test
  • •Answer pages for all activities


Mental Health

Some of the concepts that are covered:

  • What is mental health?
  • Mental health literacy
  • When should you get help?
  • Mental health illness versus mental health challenge
  • Healthy habits for dealing with mental health issues
  • Informal help – getting help from friends and family
  • Informal help – parents, guardians, extended family
  • Accessing help – who will you go to for informal help?
  • Formal help – health care professionals
  • Researching formal helpers – psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, help phone lines
  • Professional helpers – family doctors
  • Community helpers – kids help phone line and recreation facilities
  • Getting help – where to start
  • Cost of getting help – free healthcare
  • Accessing help – formal options
  • Thoughts, feelings, and behaviours being interconnected
  • Negative thoughts lead to downward spiral
  • Our choices – positive/negative thoughts impacting our mental health
  • Choosing positive thoughts
  • Identifying negative thoughts – strategies to avoid negative thinking
  • Assignment – positivity quotes
  • Unit Test
  • Answer pages for all activities


Personal Safety and Injury Prevention

Some of the concepts that are covered:

  • What is diversity?
  • Inclusion
  • What does privilege mean?
  • Equity versus equality
  • Activity - Getting to know you BINGO
  • Assignment – Writing a “Welcome to School” brochure
  • Why we should be inclusive
  • Self-awareness
  • Our beliefs, values, and attitudes
  • Developing our self-awareness
  • Self-management skills
  • Controlling our emotions
  • Time management skills
  • Making decisions for our future self
  • Relationship skills
  • Peer pressure - refusal skills
  • Communication skills – assertiveness, passiveness, and aggressiveness
  • Listening skills – active listening
  • How to actively listen
  • How to ask good questions – open ended questions and reflective questions
  • Preparing food safely
  • Food poisoning
  • Staying home alone – risk assessment activity
  • Rules for staying home alone
  • Babysitting – how to do it safely
  • Volunteering – how to do it safely
  • Unit Test
  • Answer pages for all activities


Substance Use, Addictions and Related Behaviours

Some of the concepts that are covered:

  • Addiction
  • What are illicit drugs?
  • Types of drugs – stimulants, depressants, opioids, and hallucinogens
  • Cannabis – short-term and long-term effects
  • Assignment – creating a cannabis infographic
  • Cannabis and the law
  • What are opioids?
  • Prescription opioids
  • Fentanyl
  • Withdrawal symptoms from addictions
  • What are stimulants?
  • Stimulants – short-term and long-term effects
  • What are hallucinogens?
  • What are depressants?
  • Which type of drug is it?
  • Wordsearch – types of drugs
  • Intoxicating substances – inhalants, glue, paint thinner, etc.
  • Vaping
  • Drug overdose
  • Peer pressure
  • Activity - choosing good friends
  • Practicing refusal skills
  • Activity – using different refusal skills (joke, excuse, change subject, say no firmly, give a reason)
  • Influences affecting substance abuse – media, curiosity, and stress relief
  • Activity – your future self with and without drugs
  • Assignment – learning about punishments for using drugs
  • Activities – word search and word scramble
  • Unit Test
  • Answer pages for all activities


Human Development and Sexual Health

Some of the concepts that are covered:

  • Tips for teaching sexual health
  • Exposure to explicit media
  • Harmful gender stereotypes
  • Unrealistic body image
  • Unhealthy relationships in explicit media
  • Relationships – healthy and unhealthy relationships
  • Activity – is the relationship healthy or unhealthy?
  • Friendships
  • Activity – Broken Telephone (Importance of communication in a relationship)
  • Crushes
  • Dating relationships
  • Marriage – different cultures
  • Changing or ending a relationship
  • Activity – Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
  • Consent
  • The “Me Too Movement”
  • Puberty – how changes to our body affects our relationships
  • Changes during puberty
  • Where we learn about puberty – Trustworthy sources
  • Changes to our emotions during puberty
  • Hygiene during puberty
  • Our self-concept
  • The Seven Grandfather Teachings – Using them to have healthy relationships
  • Sexual Orientation – different relationships
  • Activities – Word Search and Word Scramble
  • Unit Test
  • Answer pages for all activities

This is a comprehensive bundle that will save you hours of planning! It has been tested and found effective in helping students achieve the learning goals in the health curriculum.