Ontario - Grade 7 Health - Full Year Bundle
2019 Ontario Health Curriculum – Grade 7 Bundle – This resource covers all expectations and learning goals in the Grade 7, 2019 Ontario Health Curriculum.
This comprehensive bundle contains readings, research assignments, true/false, diagrams, reflections, drawings, word searches, word scrambles and more. There is also a unit test and answer pages for all units!
Healthy Eating
Some of the concepts that are covered:
- Food Choices and Your Health
- Activity – Healthy Eating Patterns Pictionary
- Food Choices and Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Obesity
- Food Allergies and Anaphylaxis
- Osteoporosis and Tooth Decay
- Activity – Role Play: Healthy Choices
- The Connection Between Food and Mood
- Hydration and Health
- Understanding Processed Foods
- The Role of Protein in Our Diet
- Understanding Food Labels
- Newspaper Article: The Importance of Breakfast
- The Sweet Truth: Sugar and Sweeteners
- Sugar Detective Experiment
- Canada’s New Food Guide
- Mindful Eating
- Activity – Quiz Making: Nutritional Knowledge Challenge
- Food Likes and Dislikes
- Activity – Create Your Own Healthy Recipe
- Food Choices and Personal Values
- Cultural Practices and Teachings
- Activity – Cultural Foods Show and Tell
- Story: Cultural Culinary Adventures
- Blog Post: Eating for Energy
- Are You Too Busy To Eat Healthy?
- Activity – Healthy Snack Taste Test
- Tailored Diets for Better Health
- Story: Vegetarian and Vegan Diets
- Activity – Nutritional Benefits Poster Project
- Home-Cooked Meals: Nutrition on a Budget
- The Environmental Impact of Our Food Choices
- Newspaper Article: Food Origins: Local vs. Global
- Global Hunger and Food Security
- Newspaper Article: Impact of Advertising on Food Choices
- Access to Clean Drinking Water
- Basic Food Skills
- Activity – Jeopardy-Style Nutrition Game
- Activity – Trivia Card Creation: Food Facts Edition
- Activity – Word Search: Nutrition Edition
- Activity – Fact or Fiction? Nutrition Myths
- Unit Test
- Answer Pages For All Activities
Mental Health
Some of the concepts that are covered:
- Understanding Mental Health
- Recognizing Mental Illness
- Newspaper Article: Signs of Mental Health Issues in Adolescents
- Activity – Understanding Anxiety
- Understanding Anxiety Disorders
- Depression in Adolescence
- Activity – Memory Game: Mental Health Vocabulary
- Resilience and Coping with Stress
- Building Personal Mental Health Strategies
- Activity – Show and Tell: Personal Well-Being Strategies
- Newspaper Article: Stress Management Strategies for Students
- Healthy Choices for Mental Well-Being
- Healthy Habits, Happy Mind
- Activity – Show and Tell: Inspirational Figures
- Emotional Regulation
- Building Resilience in Youth
- Mindfulness and Mental Health
- Activity – Mindfulness Breathing Beads
- The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
- The Stigma Surrounding Mental Illness
- The Importance of Sleep for Mental Health
- Nutrition and Mental Health
- Physical Activity and Mental Health
- Story: Coping with Loss and Grief
- Activity – Role Play: Supporting a Friend
- Story: Peer Pressure and Mental Health
- Story: Bullying and Its Impact on Mental Health
- Activity – Role Play: Stressful Situations
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health
- Mental Health in Different Cultures
- Body Image and Self-Esteem
- Activity – Tableaus: Scenarios of Mental Health Challenges
- Digital Well-being and Mental Health
- Healthy Relationships
- Newspaper Article: Healthy Relationships and Mental Health
- Newspaper Article: Community Resources for Mental Health
- Newspaper Article: The Role of Family in Mental Health
- Activity – Role Play: Seeking Help
- Activity – Pictionary: Mental Health Edition
- Activity – Spelling Bee: Mental Health Edition
- Activity – Fact or Fiction? Mental Health Edition
- Unit Test
- Answer Pages For All Activities
Personal Safety and Injury Prevention
Some of the concepts that are covered:
- Health and Wellness in the Digital Age
- Activity – Drawing Contest: Digital Wellness Posters
- Digital Literacy and Safety
- Activity – Digital Citizenship Word Search Creation
- Activity – Digital Terms Pictionary
- The Science of Cybersecurity
- Activity – Cyber Security Quiz
- Social Media: Connect or Isolate?
- Online Gaming Culture
- E-Sports: Sportsmanship and Strategy
- Virtual Reality and Education
- Technology and Globalization
- Activity – Tech Evolution Show and Tell
- Digital Footprints and Privacy
- Activity – Fact or Fiction? Digital Myths
- Navigating Online Information
- Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life
- Understanding Algorithms
- Activity – Digital Safety Memory Game
- Newspaper Article: Understanding the Risks of Sexting
- Activity – Role Play: Dealing with Digital Dilemmas
- Newspaper Article: Legal Consequences of Sexting
- Activity – Digital Law Trivia Challenge
- Activity – Digital Literacy Spelling Bee
- Newspaper Article: Digital Consent Explained
- Peer Pressure and Sexting
- Story: The Impact of Cyberbullying in the Digital Age
- Activity – Make Role-Play: Responding to Cyberbullying
- Story: Bullying and Mental Health
- Story: Overcoming Identity Bullying
- Story: Team Dynamics vs. Bullying
- Newspaper Article: Stop Bullying Together
- Unit Test
- Answer Pages For All Activities
Substance Use, Addictions and Related Behaviours
Some of the concepts that are covered:
- The Science of Addiction
- Understanding Mental Health and Substance Use
- Activity – Mind and Matter Pictionary
- Navigating Mental Health Resources
- Story: Substance Use and Mental Health in the Media
- Trauma, Mental Health, and Substance Use
- Story: Coping Strategies for Stress
- Activity – Charades: Emotions and Coping Strategies
- Substance Misuse and Family Dynamics
- School and Community Support Resources
- Activity – Drawing Contest: My Support System
- Newspaper Article: Community Impact of Substance Use
- The Role of Cannabis and Brain Development
- Activity – Trivia Card Creation: Substance Use Facts
- Peer Pressure and Decision Making
- The Influence of Peer Pressure
- Activity – Role Play: Peer Pressure Situations
- Building Positive Body Image
- Body Image and Media Influence
- Understanding Substances and Body Image
- Activity – Show and Tell: Healthy Body Image
- Healthy Eating vs. Diet Culture
- Dangers of Diet Pills and Laxatives
- Building Self-Esteem and Self-Care
- The Role of Nutrients in Our Bodies
- Activity – Memory Game: Nutrient Functions
- Story: Healthy Lifestyle Choices
- Activity – Health and Wellness Spelling Bee
- Healthy Eating vs. Restrictive Diets
- Story: Goal Setting for Healthy Habits
- Activity – Show and Tell: Health Heroes
- Substance Abuse and Athletic Performance
- Steroids and Athletes
- Newspaper Article: Impact of Technology on Well-Being
- Story: Understanding Pornography's Effects
- Newspaper Article: Risks of Vaping and Tobacco Use
- Underage Drinking: Risks and Realities
- Newspaper Article: Underage Drinking Risks
- The Dangers of Intravenous Drug Use
- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
- Substance Use and Social Implications
- Understanding Legal Implications
- Unit Test
- Answer Pages For All Activities
Human Development and Sexual Health
Some of the concepts that are covered:
- Story: Navigating Puberty
- Role Play: Navigating Emotional Changes
- Story: Mental Health and Sexual Health
- Memory Game: Emotional and Social Support Systems
- Emotion in Motion Bottles
- Crafting Coping Skills - DIY Stress Balls
- Communication Skills for Healthy Relationships
- Story: Exploring Intimacy Without Sex
- Consent
- Newspaper Article: Consent and Communication
- Role Play: Consent Conversations
- The Influence of Media on Sexual Health
- Peer Pressure and Sexual Health Decisions
- Role Play: Responding to Peer Pressure
- Legal Aspects of Sexual Activity Safe Internet Use and Relationships
- Body Image and Sexual Health
- Role Play: Decision Making in Sexual Health
- Understanding STBBIs
- Infection Spread Simulation
- Understanding HPV
- Understanding Genital Herpes
- Chlamydia Explained
- Understanding HIV
- Prevention of STBBIs and Unplanned Pregnancy
- Impact of STBBIs on Society
- The Psychological Impact of STBBIs
- Fact or Fiction? STBBIs and Prevention Methods
- Contraceptive Options and Innovations
- Vaccinations and Sexual Health
- Impact of Substance Use on Sexual Health
- Cultural and Religious Perspectives on Sexuality
- Newspaper Article: Gender Identity and Expression
- Sexual Orientation
- Newspaper Article: Sexual Orientation and Acceptance
- Spelling Bee: Sexual Health Vocabulary
- Word Searches: Key Terms from the Curriculum
- Jeopardy-Style Game: General Sexual Health Knowledge
- Snowman: New Vocabulary Introduction
- Unit Test
- Answer Pages For All Activities
This is a comprehensive bundle that will save you hours of planning! It has been tested and found effective in helping students achieve the learning goals in the health curriculum.