NEW 2022 CURRICULUM! Ontario Grade 7 Science - Full Year Bundle - GOOGLE/PDF

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New Ontario 2022 Science Curriculum - Grade 7 – This product was created to cover all of the expectations in the Grade 7 Science Curriculum.

There are 385 activities sheets that cover the expectations in the new science curriculum. This massive unit contains readings, research assignments, diagrams, true/false, and much more!

Most importantly, we have made cross-curriculum connections to the grade 7 language program. Students will practice reading comprehension strategies (making connections, summarizing, visualizing, and questioning) as they work through this unit.

Check out the previews of these units to learn more about how it can benefit your students in science and language! 

Life Systems: Interactions in the Environment (NEW 2022 Curriculum!)

Some of the concepts that are covered:

  • What is an ecosystem?
  • Types of ecosystems (aquatic, terrestrial, rotting log, forests, etc.)
  • Biotic and abiotic factors in ecosystems
  • Biodiversity in ecosystems
  • Analyzing ecosystems – how the abiotic factors influence the biotic factors
  • Food chain in different ecosystems
  • Nutrient cycle - Role of decomposers
  • Decomposers, producers, consumers – all the way up to apex predators
  • The effects of altering food chains
  • Overfishing effects on ocean food chains
  • Cycle of matter leading to sustainability
  • Primary Succession and Secondary Succession
  • Carrying capacity of ecosystems
  • Human activities affecting ecosystems – Invasive species (Zebra Mussels)
  • Deforestation and Clearcutting – human activities affecting ecosystems
  • Creating infographic about deforestation
  • Livestock farming – Effects on sustainability
  • Factory farming - Effects on sustainability
  • Researching – Silvopastures vs Factory Farms
  • Locally grown food
  • Pesticides in modern agricultural
  • How we use technologies to help ecosystems
  • How vehicles (technologies) affect ecosystems
  • Learning sustainable practices from the Indigenous groups in Canada
  • Indigenous sustainable practices – Seventh Generation Principle
  • The Anishinabek/Ontario Resource Management Council (AORMC)
  • Unit test
  • Answer pages for all activities


Form, Function and Design of Structures (NEW 2022 Curriculum!)

Some of the concepts that are covered:

  • Types of structures: shell structures, frame structures, and solid structures
  • Centre of gravity affecting a structure’s stability
  • Leaning Tower of Pisa – How the centre of gravity is affecting its stability
  • Evaluating the stability of structures by determining the centre of gravity
  • Centre of gravity experiments
  • Internal forces – shear, compression, tension, and torsion affecting structures
  • Finding examples of these internal forces in our environment
  • External forces from the natural environment – natural forces (earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.)
  • The Tacoma Narrows Bridge – how external and internal forces caused the collapse
  • Live and dead loads
  • Describing forces – Magnitude, direction, point of application and plane of application
  • Magnitude – Force diagrams using arrows
  • Determining the net force by reading force diagrams and arrows
  • Spring scales and beam balance scales – experiment and reading/questions
  • Mechanical advantages using Newtons
  • Symmetrical structures creating stability
  • Evaluating the symmetry of structures and their stability
  • Structural failures – poor foundations, bad designs, faulty construction and extraordinary loads
  • Digging foundations below the frost line – Basements
  • Leaning Tower of Pisa and its poor foundation – foundation settling
  • Examining bad designs in structures around the world
  • Extraordinary loads – Ice Storm 1998
  • Faulty construction leading to structural failures – Skyline Plaza Apartment Building collapse
  • Properties of materials – cement, steel, rubber and plastic
  • Choosing the right building material – manufacturing shoes
  • Ergonomics in structures – office equipment and tools
  • Assignment – creating an ergonomic workstation
  • Structural analysis – engineers and architects researching the forces and loads acting on potential structures
  • Structural assessment reports – engineers working to keep structures safe
  • Unit test
  • Answer pages for all activities


Pure Substances and Mixtures

The following topics/pages are covered in this unit:

  • Title Page – Pure Substances and Mixtures
  • The Particle Theory of Matter
  • Particle Theory Questions
  • Particles
  • Pure Substances and Mixtures
  • Pure Substances and Mixtures Questions
  • Classification of Matter by Composition
  • Mixtures
  • Mixtures - Questions
  • Solutions
  • Solutions – Questions
  • Lab - Testing the Dissolving Process
  • Lab - Testing the Dissolving Process - Questions
  • Process of Forming a Solution
  • Process of Forming a Solution Questions
  • Kinetic Energy in Solutions
  • Kinetic Energy in Solutions - Questions
  • Homogeneous vs Heterogeneous
  • Identifying and Classifying Matter
  • Solutes and Solvents
  • Solubility
  • Solubility Questions
  • Substances that Dissolve
  • Heterogeneous Suspensions
  • Heterogeneous Colloids
  • Heterogeneous Emulsions
  • Emulsions Lab
  • Separating Mixtures
  • Separating Mixtures - Questions
  • Separating Mixtures - Distillation
  • Lab Making a Crystal
  • Separation Processes
  • Producing Carbon Dioxide
  • Social Responsibility When Creating Pure Substances and Mixtures
  • Social Responsibility When Creating Pure Substances and Mixtures - Questions
  • Research Assignment - Uranium
  • Activities – Pure Substances and Mixtures
  • Unit Quiz – Multiple Choice and Definitions
  • Unit Quiz – Short Answer/Long Answer


Heat in the Environment

The following topics/pages are covered in this unit:

  • Key Terms
  • The Atmosphere - Reading
  • The Atmosphere - Questions
  • Energy From the Sun - Reading
  • Energy From the Sun - Questions
  • Greenhouse Gas Effect - Reading
  • Greenhouse Gas Effect - Questions
  • Heat Transfer and the Particle Theory - Reading
  • Heat Transfer and the Particle Theory - Questions
  • Convection, Conduction, Radiation
  • Heat Transfer - Conduction
  • Heat Transfer – Conduction - Questions
  • Heat Transfer – Convection and Radiation - Reading
  • Heat Transfer – Convection and Radiation – Questions
  • Convection, Conduction, Radiation
  • Thermal Expansion and Contraction – Reading
  • Thermal Expansion and Contraction – Questions
  • Ocean Currents and Climate - Reading
  • Ocean Currents and Climate - Questions
  • The Sun and the Water Cycle – Reading
  • The Sun and the Water Cycle - Questions
  • Heating our Homes - Reading
  • Heating our Homes - Questions
  • Heating our Homes – Renewable/Non-Renewable Energy - Reading
  • Heating our Homes – Renewable/Non-Renewable Energy – Questions
  • Heating our Homes – Geothermal - Reading
  • Heating our Homes – Geothermal - Questions
  • Nuclear Power - Reading
  • Nuclear Power - Questions
  • Nuclear Power Accidents - Reading
  • Nuclear Power Accidents – Questions
  • Nuclear Power Accidents - Research
  • Activities – Heat in the Environment
  • Unit Test – Heat in the Environment – Multiple Choice and Definitions
  • Unit Test – Heat in the Environment – Short and Long Answers


This is a comprehensive bundle that will save you hours of planning! It has been tested and found effective in helping students achieve the learning goals in the science curriculum.