Systems Unit - Grade 3 - Alberta Social Studies - Lesson/Workbook Bundle
This bundle was created to provide everything you need to teach the Grade 3 Systems unit in the Alberta 2024 Social Studies Curriculum. With your purchase, you will receive lesson slides that follow the 3-Part lesson format, engaging your students from start to finish. You will also receive the workbook, which contains fun activities and worksheets for your students to demonstrate their understanding.
Workbook Details:
This resource covers all the outcomes in the Grade 3, 2024 Alberta Social Studies Curriculum– Systems unit.
There are 138 activity sheets that cover the outcomes in the social studies curriculum. This comprehensive unit contains readings, hands-on activities, true/false, diagrams, exit cards, reflections, word searches and more. We’ve presented the material in a variety of text forms, including reports, news articles, blog posts, and stories. There is also a unit test and answer pages for all activities!
Check out the preview of this unit to learn more about how it can benefit your students.
Some of the concepts that are covered:
- What Helps Alberta's Jobs and Communities?
- Alberta’s Physical Geography and Resources
- Story: How Alberta’s Towns Grew with Coal and Oil
- Renewable vs Non-Renewable Resources
- Renewable Vs. Non-Renewable Energy: Pros & Cons
- Memory Game – Renewable Vs. Non-Renewable
- Solar Energy
- Wind Energy
- Hydro Energy
- Activity: Renewable Energy Experiment
- Coal Energy
- Oil
- Natural Gas
- Energy Sources – Renewable or Non-Renewable
- Word Search – Natural Resources
- Protected Areas and Parks in Alberta
- Poster Creation – Alberta’s Provincial & National Parks
- Story: Alberta’s Municipal Leaders
- Show and Tell – Local Government Leaders
- Municipal Services: A Letter from Mayor Amarjeet Sohi
- Choosing Municipal Leaders in Alberta
- Election Simulation – Municipal Election
- Provincial Government
- Fact or Fiction – Government Responsibilities
- Story: Emma's Big Day at the Legislative Assembly
- Case Study: The Legislative Assembly of Alberta
- Role-Play: Alberta’s Legislative Assembly
- Newspaper Article: New Law is Made in Alberta
- Alberta's Flag: Symbols, History, and Meaning
- Blog Post: Fortis et Liber
- What Are Alberta’s Provincial Symbols?
- Four Corners: Our Province
- Unit Test
- Answer Pages For All Activities
Google Lesson Slides
Google Slides Lessons! Systems Unit, Alberta Social Studies, Grade 3. This resource is packed with all the lessons you need to teach the Systems, Grade 3, Alberta Social Studies 2024 Curriculum.
We have structured these lessons to follow the popular 3-Part Lesson format. By using these lessons, you will be provided with learning goals, discussion questions, relevant YouTube videos, interactive slides, exit cards, and more. Check out the variety of activities you'll receive below.
Part 1: Minds On!
- Learning Goals
- Discussion Questions
- Polls/Surveys
- Picture Prompts
- Jokes and Riddles
- Relevant Quotes
Part 2: Action!
- Interactive Activities
- Drag and Drop
- Fill in the Blanks
- Matching
- Sorting
- Polls/Surveys and Graphing
- Embedded YouTube Videos
Part 3: Consolidation
- Exit Cards
- 3-2-1 Reflections
- One Word Reflections
- Act It Out!
- Quick Draw
- One Sentence Summary
After purchasing this resource, you will be able to download a copy of this file to your Google Drive. From there, you can complete these lessons with your class, and/or assign these slides in Google Classroom.