Grade 2 - Alberta Math - Full Year Bundle NEW 2022 Curriculum
Grade 2 - Alberta Math Curriculum – This resource covers all outcomes in the Grade 2 - Alberta Math Curriculum. NO PREP - JUST PRINT! Perfect for distance teaching, simply send students a PDF copy of the worksheet.
Check out each of the strands below to learn more about the resources included in this bundle.
Strand 1 - Number (Number Sense)
Concepts that are covered:
- Representing natural numbers to 1000
- Place value – thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones
- Zero as a placeholder
- Counting within 1000 by 1s
- Skip counting by 2, 10, 20, 25, and 50
- Using coins and bills to skip count
- Even and odd numbers
- Sharing and grouping objects – even and odd numbers with remainders
- Partitioning sets of objects
- Estimating quantities using benchmarks
- Modelling equality and inequality between two numbers
- Comparing and ordering natural numbers – using greater than, equal to or less than
- Adding and subtracting using multiples of 10
- Solving addition and subtraction questions within 100
- Word problems using addition and subtraction
- Solving problems involving more than 2 addends
- Addition and subtraction facts to 20
- Mental math strategies
- Verifying a sum or difference using inverse operations
- Determining the missing quantity in a sum or difference
- Solving problems using addition and subtraction of measurable lengths
- Unit fractions
- Comparing unit fractions with the same denominator
- 4 Unit tests
- Answer pages for all activities
Strand 2 - Patterns and Time
Some of the concepts that are covered:
- What are non-repeating patterns?
- Non-repeating patterns in nature – plants and animals
- Non-repeating patterns in your classroom
- Growing and shrinking patterns
- Increasing number patterns
- Skip counting patterns
- Finding patterns using a hundreds chart
- Finding the rule in an increasing pattern
- Repeating patterns
- Creating and extending repeating patterns using up to four elements
- Finding the pattern core in a repeating pattern
- Reading a calendar
- Important events on a calendar
- Describing duration using non-standard units of time
- Describing duration using standard units of time
- Comparing days, weeks, months, and years
- Elapsed time using days, weeks, months, and years
- Relationship between days, weeks, months, and years
- First Nations’ use of winter counts to track time (Nakoda First Nation)
- Creating your own winter count
- 3 Unit Tests
- Answer pages for all activities
Strand 3 - Geometry and Measurement
Some of the concepts that are covered:
- Sorting shapes according to two geometric attributes
- Creating sorting rules to sort 2D shapes and 3D objects
- Faces, edges, and vertices of three-dimensional objects
- Relate the faces of three-dimensional shapes to two-dimensional shapes
- Create pictures using shapes – bridges, houses, etc.
- Describing translations, rotations, and reflections
- Performing translations, rotations, and reflections
- Recognize the translation, rotation, or reflection of shapes represented in artwork
- Measure length using non-standard units – finger width, paper clip, wingspan
- Compare and order measurements of different lengths
- Decide the most appropriate non-standard unit to use to measure a length
- Measure length with centimetres – standard unit
- Draw lengths by measuring using centimetres
- Estimate lengths using standard and non-standard units
- Investigate Indigenous methods for measuring length
- 3 Unit Tests
- Answer pages for all activities
Strand 4 - Statistics
Some of the concepts that are covered:
- Generate questions to gather information
- Collect first-hand data from peers
- Record data in a table
- Frequency tables
- Tally charts
- Reading dot plots and answering questions
- Constructing dot plots from provided data and from data collected
- Reading pictographs and answering questions
- Constructing pictographs from provided data and from data collected
- Creating the scale on bar graphs
- Drawing bars for bar graphs
- Reading bar graphs and answering questions
- Constructing bar graphs from provided data and from data collected
- Unit test
- Answer pages for all activities
This is a comprehensive bundle that will save you hours of planning! It has been tested and found effective in helping students achieve the learning goals setup by the Ministry of Education in their math curriculum.