Science - Alberta Grade 6 - FULL YEAR BUNDLE

Science - Alberta Grade 6 - FULL YEAR BUNDLE

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FULL YEAR BUNDLE! Alberta Science 2023 Curriculum - Grade 6. This product was created to cover the NEW Alberta 2023 Science Grade 6 Curriculum. Both PDF and Google Slides versions are included for easy teaching!


There are 781 activity sheets that cover the outcomes in the NEW science curriculum. The units contains many fun activities, including readings, experiments, assignments, matching, true or false, and coding.


We have added computer science activities as well to cover the outcomes in the NEW science curriculum. Check out the previews of the units to learn more about how they can benefit your students.


Strand 1: Matter

Some of the concepts that are covered:

  • The particle theory of matter
  • Intermolecular forces – attraction of particles
  • Changes in state involving heat
  • Melting point
  • Experiment – testing the melting point of ice
  • Boiling point
  • Freezing point
  • Real-world connection - Freezing rain
  • Phase changes – changes in volume but not mass
  • Experiment – testing the mass of solids versus liquids (ice versus liquid water)
  • Evaporation – particle movement and attraction
  • Experiment – testing evaporation in different settings
  • Condensation – particle movement and attraction
  • Experiment – testing condensation
  • Thermal expansion of gases – particle movement and volume
  • Experiment – testing thermal expansion of gases
  • Thermal expansion of liquids – how a thermometer works
  • Experiment – making a thermometer
  • Thermal expansion of solids – railway tracks, sidewalks, glass
  • Potholes – freeze/thaw process and expansion/contraction
  • Real-world connection – DuSable Bridge in Chicago
  • Choosing the right materials in building
  • Properties of solid water (ice) versus liquid water
  • Ice is less dense than liquid water
  • Floating ice is an insulator for aquatic life
  • Experiment – testing the insulating properties of ice
  • Density of water – Lake Turnover Effect
  • Story – hypothesizing the effects of denser ice than liquid water
  • Coding activities – what is abstraction in computer science?
  • Abstraction activity – simplifying machines
  • Coding an ice maker
  • Abstraction flow chart – learning the shapes of a coding flow chart
  • Programming a hair dryer using a flow chart
  • STEM Assignment – making a water/ice related machine
  • Unit test
  • Answer pages for all activities


Strand 2: Energy

Some of the concepts that are covered:

  • External forces acting on objects – contact and non-contact forces
  • Gravity – a pulling force
  • Experiment – Egg Drop
  • Frictional force – static friction, rolling friction, and sliding friction
  • Experiment – friction car ramp
  • Contact forces – applied force
  • Experiment – using applied force to throw an object
  • Contact forces – spring or elastic force
  • Experiment – popsicle stick catapult
  • Internal forces – tension, compression, torsion, sheer, and bending
  • Experiment – tension and compression in action
  • Internal forces acting on structures in our environment
  • Internal forces in sports
  • Experiment – testing the internal forces of different materials
  • Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse – torsion force
  • Beams and trusses – how they support structures
  • Plasticity versus elasticity
  • Action force versus reaction force
  • Newton’s Third Law of Motion
  • Experiment – Balloon car – two activities
  • Renewable versus non-renewable energy
  • Choosing sources of energy wisely
  • Story – A Tale Of Renewable Energy: Failing To Plan
  • Alberta’s energy usage
  • Responsible management of energy resources
  • Restoring mining site - the Wapisiw Lookout
  • Processed and unprocessed energy
  • Experiment – making a sailboat and another device using unprocessed energy
  • How we generate electricity – sources we use
  • Solar, wind, nuclear, hydro, and geothermal energy for electricity generation
  • How electricity moves
  • Electricity and coding – binary code
  • Writing binary code
  • Coding a television remote
  • Self-driving machines using battery energy - loops
  • Unit test
  • Answer pages for all activities


Strand 3: Earth Systems – Climate Change

Some of the concepts that are covered:

  • What is climate?
  • Earth’s systems and their impact on climate (lithosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere)
  • Greenhouse gas effect
  • Experiment – carbon dioxide effects
  • Human activities that create greenhouse gases
  • How geography influences climate – latitude, elevation, proximity to oceans, urban setting
  • Natural processes causing climate change – volcanoes, Sun’s orbit, and meteors
  • Newspaper article - "Massive Meteor Strikes Earth, Shifts Climate!"
  • Assignment – writing a newspaper article on volcanoes changing climate
  • What is climate change?
  • How climate change affects wildlife
  • Climate change – melting glaciers
  • Effects of melting glaciers
  • Creating an infographic – melting glaciers
  • Letter to the Editor – reducing emissions
  • Clean energy and reducing greenhouse gases
  • Reducing consumption and waste – beyond the 3 R’s
  • Activity – repurposing waste
  • Activity – reselling using an online assignment
  • Extreme weather in Canada – hottest day, coldest day, most snowfall, etc.
  • Extreme weather in the world – hottest day, coldest day, most snowfall, etc.
  • Climate change and extreme weather – wildfires, droughts, flooding, heatwaves, storms
  • Coding activity – Tsunami Buoys – writing code
  • Tropical storms – cyclones and hurricanes
  • Evacuation orders – wildfires in Alberta
  • Climate change – impact on farming
  • Climate change and its affect on traditional ways of life
  • Seasonal rounds of Indigenous groups affected by climate change
  • Climate changes through history – extinction events: ice ages, dinosaurs
  • Extinction of dinosaurs – meteor, volcano, climate change
  • Activity – creating a model of a meteor hitting Earth
  • Historical weather data in Calgary – temperature data
  • Sea ice and sea level data
  • Changes in extreme weather in Canada – wildfires, droughts, heatwaves
  • Extreme weather around the world – tornadoes, monsoons, blizzards, wildfires
  • Activity – water bottle tornado
  • Technologies used to predict extreme weather events – RADAR, Weather satellites, and computer models
  • Writing code – weather reports and writing a weather forecasting phone app
  • Coding activity – abstraction in computer science
  • Programming flow chart
  • Traditional knowledge and modern technologies in tracking climate change
  • Unit test
  • Answer pages for all activities


Strand 4: Living Systems – Ecosystems

Some of the concepts that are covered:

  • What is an ecosystem?
  • Biotic components and abiotic components of ecosystems
  • Terrestrial ecosystems and aquatic ecosystems
  • Experiment – designing a zoo enclosure
  • STEM – paying for the zoo enclosure
  • Ecosystem interactions – how everything connects
  • Decomposers and detritivores – important part of ecosystems
  • Climate, vegetation, animals, size, geography locations of different ecosystems: arctic, desert, grasslands, forests, and wetlands
  • Biotic and abiotic interactions in different ecosystems – arctic, desert, grasslands, forests, wetlands
  • Coding activity – Building The Line in Saudi Arabia: coding the desalination process and solar panels
  • Ecosystem profiles: biotic and abiotic components around a log
  • Activity – making a bird feeder
  • What is biodiversity?
  • Longitudinal biodiversity gradient – more biodiversity at the equator, less at the poles
  • Describing how the abiotic components of an ecosystem affects the biodiversity
  • Biodiversity in deserts, forests, grasslands, and oceans
  • Experiment – making a model ecosystem in a bottle
  • Technologies used to monitor ecosystems
  • Coding activity – remote control photography
  • STEM assignment – creating a robot camera for monitoring ecosystems
  • Ecosystems and greenhouse gases
  • Photosynthesis – chlorophyll, storing starches, producing oxygen
  • Experiment – demonstrating the role of light in photosynthesis
  • Experiment – demonstrating how sugars are stored as starch
  • Experiment – demonstrating how oxygen is produced during photosynthesis
  • The role of plants in an ecosystem – producing oxygen, absorbing carbon dioxide, cleaning ecosystems
  • Experiment – soil erosion model
  • Humans need plants – clothing, buildings, energy, medicine, oxygen, food
  • Indigenous use of plants – food, medicine, shelter, clothing
  • The offering of tobacco – harmony, giving back, respect, sustainability
  • Unit test
  • Answer pages for all activities


Strand 5: Space

Some of the concepts that are covered:

  • Conception of the Earth – Flat Earth, Geo-Centred Theory, and Sun-Centred Theory
  • The Universe, Solar System, Galaxies, Planets
  • Celestial bodies in our solar system – dwarf planets, asteroids, comets, meteoroids
  • Diagram of our Solar System
  • Size of the Universe, Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy
  • Classifying planets – gas giants and terrestrial planets
  • Assignment – planet profile
  • Comparing Earth with Mars, Jupiter with Mercury, Saturn with Neptune, and Uranus with Venus
  • Story – Visiting all 8 Planets
  • Assignment – creating a model solar system
  • Natural satellites – moons
  • Asteroids and the Asteroid Belt
  • Meteors, meteorites, and meteoroids
  • Celestial bodies - emitting or reflecting light
  • Gravity – reading and science experiment and the force of gravity on all 8 planets
  • Pluto – from planet to dwarf planet
  • What is the habitable zone?
  • Potential life in our universe – Life on Mars, Kepler 186f, Europa: a moon of Jupiter
  • Canada and space exploration – technologies created by Canadians
  • Space – extreme environment – temperature, zero gravity, air pressure
  • Surviving in space – technologies needed
  • Benefits of space exploration – using satellites
  • Understanding climate change using space technologies – satellite images
  • Mars Rovers – reading and research activity
  • Coding activity – coding the movement of the Mars Rover
  • STEM assignment – building a Mars rover and coding how it will work and what functions it will have
  • Experiment – creating a model rover
  • Natural satellites versus artificial satellites
  • Ex-Alta 1 and AlbertaSat: Alberta’s first satellite
  • Experiment – making a model satellite
  • International space station
  • Coding activity – abstraction in computer science
  • Programming flow chart – simplifying complex systems and machines
  • Creating a flow chart that represents how a satellite works
  • STEM assignment – making a space machine
  • Controversy of space travel – downsides (dangerous and costly)
  • Unit test
  • Answer pages for all activities


This is a comprehensive bundle that will save you hours of planning! It has been tested and found effective in helping students achieve the learning outcomes in the NEW 2023 science curriculum.